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First Alpha Release

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@thomasWeise thomasWeise released this 31 May 22:26
· 232 commits to master since this release

This is the very first alpha release of the Evaluator.

There still likely are several errors in the code,some essential features are missing, and the algorithm performance reports contain no text (just figures). All in all, this software version is not yet productive ready. But it - sort of works - i.e., you can load performance data in CSV, BBOB, or TSP Suite format. You can generate reports in LaTeX for document classes such as IEEEtran, sig-alternate, or LLNCS. Or in XHTML. Or for export to other applications. So this version allows you to peek at what we are up to, what may eventually be possible.

We will use this version to publicize our activity and to, hopefully, get early feedback from colleagues and potential users.

Data formats defined in this release - in particular, the format for specifying evaluation processes - should not yet be considered as stable. They may be adapted once we implement more functionality and get a clearer impression what is good, design-wise.