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Releases: optimizationBenchmarking/documentation-examples-loader


17 Jul 11:20
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Alpha-2 Pre-release

This is the second alpha release of our software.

This release will not be published at Maven Central. It is purely for the purpose of testing the software. Yet, it is already functional.

examples-loader.jar is the stand-alone executable.


27 May 07:46
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Alpha Pre-release

This is the alpha release of our software.

This release will not be published at Maven Central. It is purely for the purpose of testing the software. Yet, it is already functional.

The file examples-loader.jar is the stand-alone version of the examples downloader. It can directly be executed via java -jar examples-loader.jar. It includes all required components. The other jars are not stand-alone and need their required other libraries in the classpath.


10 May 11:24
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Pre-Alpha Pre-release

This is the very first, pre-alpha release of our software.

This release will not be published at Maven Central. It is purely for the purpose of testing the software. Yet, it is already functional.

The file examples-loader.jar is the stand-alone version of the examples downloader. It can directly be executed via java -jar examples-loader.jar. It includes all required components. The other jars are not stand-alone and need their required other libraries in the classpath.