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component: candi test container
component: candi test container
CanDI Test Container
component: core
component: core
component: eclipse test container
component: eclipse test container
Eclipse Test Container
component: forked test container
component: forked test container
Forked Test Container
component: glassfish test container
component: glassfish test container
GlassFish Test Container
component: jboss test container
component: jboss test container
JBoss Test Container
component: junit driver
component: junit driver
JUnit Driver
component: karaf test container
component: karaf test container
Karaf Test Container
component: learning center
component: learning center
Learning Center
component: native test container
component: native test container
Native Test Container
component: openwebbeans test container
component: openwebbeans test container
OpenWebBeans Test Container
component: pax runner test container
component: pax runner test container
Pax Runner Test Container
component: player
component: player
component: regression tests
component: regression tests
Regression Tests
component: resin test container
component: resin test container
Resin Test Container
component: testng driver
component: testng driver
TestNG Driver
component: tomcat test container
component: tomcat test container
Tomcat Test Container
component: weld test container
component: weld test container
Weld Test Container
Pull requests that update a dependency file