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Tom Belknap edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 26 revisions

About OpenSALT

OpenSALT is an MIT-licensed competency management tool based on the IMS Global Learning Consortium® CASE™ Specification. The goal is to have a complete set of open, certified frameworks available in the best human and machine readable formats. With the CASE specification in place, OpenSALT will be the platform of choice for education agencies to manage and publish their standards and teachers to both learn about their standards and make connections to other related frameworks.

This document serves as the central repository for the installation, configuration and administration of the OpenSALT system.

OpenSALT is a PHP7.2 application that runs inside of three Docker containers: an Nginx container, a PHP container and a MySQL database container. Docker provides the global environment variables that define the specific implementation of OpenSALT, loading those values from a .env file located at the root of the project.


While this wiki will guide you through the process of setting up, configuring and administering OpenSALT, users should be well-versed in the following technologies before proceeding:

Docker and Docker Compose will need to be installed before proceeding.

Getting Started

Advanced Topics