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File metadata and controls

204 lines (171 loc) · 25.5 KB



If you need more control over the player, OpenPlayerJS stores an instance of each player in the document. To have access to a specific instance, use the media id and use OpenPlayerJS.instances element.

NOTE: if an id attribute is not detected, OpenPlayerJS will autogenerate one for you.

// Selects the first video/audio that uses OpenPlayer
var id = document.querySelector('.op-player').id;
var player = OpenPlayerJS.instances[id];

The methods supported by the OpenPlayerJS instance are:

Method Description
play Play media. If Ads are detected, different methods than the native ones are triggered with this operation.
pause Pause media. If Ads are detected, different methods than the native ones are triggered with this operation.
load Load media. HLS and M(PEG)-DASH perform more operations during loading if browser does not support them natively.
addCaptions Append a new <track> tag to the video/audio tag and dispatch event so it gets registered/loaded in the player, via controlschanged event.
addElement Append a new HTML element to the video/audio tag with the possibility dispatch a custom callback so it gets registered/loaded in the player, via controlschanged event. It requires an object with icon URL/path, id for the button, its position and common callbacks to dispatch an action. For more details on how to create a custom element, read Add Control.
addControl Shorthand method to generate a custom element of type button. For more details on how to create a custom button, read Add Control.
removeControl Remove a control from the control bar using the name indicated in the layers configuration (play, progress, time, etc.); it can be a default element or a custom control.
stop Pauses the media being played, sets the current time to zero, and sets the source as empty (useful when dealing with live streamings, to avoid the continuous download of chunks).
destroy Destroy OpenMedia Player instance (including all events associated) and return the video/audio tag to its original state.
getAd Retrieve an instance of the Ads object. More information at Ad instance
getMedia Retrieve an instance of the Media object. More information at Media instance
activeElement Retrieve the current media object (could be Ads or any other media type).
loadAd Load/update current Ad by assigning a URL, an array of URLs, a valid XML string, or an array of valid XML strings.
getContainer Retrieve the parent element (with op-player class) of the native video/audio tag.
getControls Retrieve an instance of the controls object used in the player instance.
getElement Retrieve the original video/audio tag.
getEvents Retrieve the events attached to the player.
init Create all the markup and events needed for the player.
isAd Check if current media is an instance of an Ad.
isMedia Check if current media is an instance of a native media type.
id Retrieve current player's unique identifier.
src Retrieve/set the current Source list associated with the player.

Media instance

This object has the basic getters/setters that can be performed in regular video/audio tag:

  • play
  • pause
  • canPlayType
  • load
  • volume
  • muted
  • ended
  • paused
  • currentTime
  • duration
  • defaultPlaybackRate
  • playbackRate

On top of that, the Media object has the following methods:

Method Description
destroy Destroy the Media instance (including all events associated).
src Set/get a list of media sources asociated with the player; each object must contain src and type.
current Obtain the current media element being played: getMedia().currentSrc. It returns an object that contains src and type.
mediaFiles Set/get the list of elements that are associated with the current media; the list of objects contains src and type.
level Set/get a level; it could set/return a number, string or an object.
levels Return a list of quality levels (if configured as part of the controls and the necessary markup/streaming are set; for more details, see About the levels option)

Ad instance

This object has access to the entity that manages Ads in OpenPlayerJS. It also has access to the following standard setters/getters:

  • play
  • pause
  • load (it accepts a boolean to force a reload to reinitialize the Ads container)
  • volume
  • muted
  • ended
  • paused
  • currentTime
  • duration
Method Description
destroy Destroy the Media instance (including all events associated).
resizeAds Set the width/height of an Ad
getAdsManager Obtain an instance of the IMA ads manager; all that you can have access to is documented here
started Flag to determine if Ad started or not


Using the code below, you can attach/dispatch any valid event, using CustomEvent, like this:

player.getElement().addEventListener('ended', function () {
    console.log('Your code when media ends playing');

var event = new CustomEvent('ended');

If you need to access additional infomation about any event (if available), check the detail object when you listen for an event. For example, when using HLS.js events:

player.getElement().addEventListener('hlsManifestParsed', function (e) {
    /* it will return an object with the following elements:

player.getElement().addEventListener('hlsLevelLoaded', function (e) {
    /* it will return an object with the following elements:

All HTML5 media events are supported by OpenPlayerJS, including:

Event Description
metadataready Event executed to grab the media's information, mostly represented in the form of ID3 tags.
controlshidden Event executed when controls timer stops and hides control bar (video only).
controlschanged Event triggered when an element modified the state of the controls and they regenerate (i.e., adding new caption).
captionschanged Event triggered when user changes the current caption by selecting a new one from the Settings menu.
levelchanged Event triggered when user changes the current level (if actvated) by selecting a new one from the Settings menu.
playererror Event executed when any error has occurred within the OpenPlayerJS instance; a response will be sent via onError config callback. See Usage with Javascript for more details.
playerdestroyed Event executed when an instance of OpenPlayerJS is destroyed (useful to remove extra elements created with the player's help).

In terms of Ads, the following table described the events associated and their equivalences in terms of VAST/VPAID, so you use a standardize set of events for all cases:

Event Dispatched when... VPAID equivalent
adsloaded Ads have been loaded successfully and can be played. AdLoaded
adsstart Ads start being played. AdVideoStart/AdStarted/AdPlaying
adsfirstQuartile Ad reached the first quarter of its length. AdVideoFirstQuartile
adsmidpoint Ad reached half of its length. AdVideoMidpoint
adsthirdQuartile Ad reached the third quarter of its length. AdVideoThirdQuartile
adscomplete Ad reached the end of its length. AdVideoComplete
adsskipped user skips the Ad. AdSkipped
adsvolumeChange user increases/decreases the volume of Ad. AdVolumeChange
adsallAdsCompleted all Ads have been played. AdStopped
adsmediaended Ad is going to be played after media has ended playing (currently used to change the Replay icon to Pause when playing a postroll Ad).
adsdurationChange Ad has all the necessary data to change the duration time; it is the equivalent of HTML5 media's durationchange.
adsimpression Ad reports an impression and it will be on;y executed once for a given playback event. AdImpressin
adsadProgress Ad plays; it is the equivalent of HTML5 media's timeupdate.
adsclick user clicks in the Ads area. AdClickThru
adspause user pauses the Ad. AdPaused
adsmute user mutes the Ad. AdVolumeChange

In addition to the list above, all HLS events and HLS error events are supported using the same approach described above, including all their details. For the error ones, they are classified as networkError, mediaError, muxError and otherError. The proper way to use them is by using the prefix hls and then in camel case notation the name of the event, since not always we will have the Hls object available right away. For the full list of events mapped as described, please check the events.ts file.

Error Events

In order to determine if an error is being triggered with OpenPlayerJS, you can use the following snippet, since the playererror event contains the type of error (Ads, Hls, Dash, etc.), and all the information you will need to customize the error experience:

player.getElement().addEventListener('playererror', function (e) {
    console.log(e); // { type, message, data }

Keyboard shortcuts

For accessibility purposes, OpenPlayerJS uses the following keyboard shortcuts to control the player

Key Controls
[Enter/Space] If the focus is at the player's main container, Play/Pause media; otherwise, if it's at the specific control, it will toggle its state (Mute/Unmute media, for example)
[End] Seeks to the total duration of media (if media is not a live stream)
[Home] Seeks to the beginning of media
[Left arrow] Seeks backward 5 secs (or the amount of seconds indicated by the step configuration) in player
[Right arrow] Seeks forward 5 secs (or the amount of seconds indicated by the step configuration) in player
[Up arrow] Turn volume up
[Down arrow] Turn volume down
K Play/Pause media
J Seeks backward 10 secs (or double of the amount of seconds indicated by the step configuration) in player
L Seeks forward 10 secs (or double of the amount of seconds indicated by the step configuration) in player
M Mute/Unmute player
0 - 9 While focused on progress bar, seeks to the 0% to 90% of the media
, While paused, goes back to the previous' media's frame
. While paused, skips to the next's media's frame
< Slows down the video playback rate by 0.25
> Speed up the video playback rate by 0.25