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Releases: openlayers/openlayers


21 Jul 02:05
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The 5.1.2 release is a patch to fix the API docs. See the 5.1.0 notes for detail on the 5.1 release.


21 Jul 01:43
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The 5.1.1 release is a patch to include the readme in the package. See the 5.1.0 notes for detail on the 5.1 release.


21 Jul 01:36
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The 5.1 release adds a few new features a handful of fixes. You should be able to upgrade without any additional work. See the one note below regarding null geometry coordinates.

We're working toward type checking with TypeScript. This will complete our move away from using the Closure Compiler for type checking and compilation. We're excited about the improved experience for application developers and will highlight some of the benefit in upcoming releases.

Upgrade Notes

Geometry constructor and setCoordinates no longer accept null coordinates

Geometries (ol/geom/*) now need to be constructed with valid coordinates (center for ol/geom/Circle) as first constructor argument. The same applies to the setCoordinates() (setCenter() for ol/geom/Circle`) method.

New Features and Fixes

Dependency Updates


11 Jul 09:38
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The v5.0.3 fixes a regression in the vector tile renderer and improves the built examples and release package.



04 Jul 22:22
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The v5.0.2 release updates the package readme with new example projects.



09 Jul 07:10
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The v5.0.1 release helps reduce bundle sizes for bundlers that support the "sideEffects": "false"option in package.json, and fixes website documentation regarding cdn locations and debug build which has been replaced by source maps.



26 Jun 20:08
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The main theme of the v5.0.0 release is an improved developer/user experience with OpenLayers. Toward this end, we have reworked the library as a set of ES Modules, completely removing any dependency on the Closure Compiler, and improving compatibility with mainstream module bundlers.

See the hosted examples, API docs, and bundle tutorial for the new syntax, but basic usage looks like this:

import 'ol/ol.css';
import {Map, View} from 'ol';
import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM';

const map = new Map({
  target: 'map',
  layers: [
    new TileLayer({
      source: new OSM()
  view: new View({
    center: [0, 0],
    zoom: 0

See below for specific notes on upgrading from 4.x releases. We'll be working on updating the website with improved documentation and examples. Take a look at the issue tracker if you're interested in contributing.

Upgrade Notes

Renamed ol/source/TileUTFGrid to ol/source/UTFGrid

The module name is now ol/source/UTFGrid (ol.source.UTFGrid in the full build).

Renaming of the defaultDataProjection in the options and property of the ol/format/Feature class and its subclasses

The defaultDataProjection option is now named dataProjection. The protected property available on the class is also renamed.

transition option of ol/source/VectorTile is ignored

The transition option to get an opacity transition to fade in tiles has been disabled for ol/source/VectorTile. Vector tiles are now always rendered without an opacity transition.

ol/style/Fill with CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern

The origin for gradients and patterns has changed from the top-left corner of the extent of the geometry being filled to 512 css pixel increments from map coordinate [0, 0]. This allows repeat patterns to be aligned properly with vector tiles. For seamless repeat patterns, width and height of the pattern image must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512).

Removal of the renderer option for maps

The renderer option has been removed from the Map constructor. The purpose of this change is to avoid bundling code in your application that you do not need. Previously, code for both the Canvas and WebGL renderers was included in all applications - even though most people only use one renderer. The Map constructor now gives you a Canvas (2D) based renderer. If you want to try the WebGL renderer, you can import the constructor from ol/WebGLMap.

Old code:

import Map from 'ol/Map';

const canvasMap = new Map({
  renderer: ['canvas']
  // other options...

const webglMap = new Map({
  renderer: ['webgl']
  // other options...

New code:

import Map from 'ol/Map';
import WebGLMap from 'ol/WebGLMap';

const canvasMap = new Map({
  // options...

const webglMap = new WebGLMap({
  // options...

Removal of ol.FeatureStyleFunction

The signature of the vector style function passed to the feature has changed. The function now always takes the feature and the resolution as arguments, the feature is no longer bound to this.

Old code:

feature.setStyle(function(resolution) {
  var text = this.get('name');

New code:

feature.setStyle(function(feature, resolution) {
  var text = feature.get('name');

Changed behavior of the Draw interaction

For better drawing experience, two changes were made to the behavior of the Draw interaction:

  1. On long press, the current vertex can be dragged to its desired position.
  2. On touch move (e.g. when panning the map on a mobile device), no draw cursor is shown, and the geometry being drawn is not updated. But because of 1., the draw cursor will appear on long press. Mouse moves are not affected by this change.

Changes in proj4 integration

Because relying on a globally available proj4 is not practical with ES modules, we have made a change to the way we integrate proj4:

  • The setProj4() function from the ol/proj module was removed.
  • A new ol/proj/proj4 module with a register() function was added. Regardless of whether the application imports proj4 or uses a global proj4, this function needs to be called with the proj4 instance as argument whenever projection definitions were added to proj4's registry with (proj4.defs).

It is also recommended to no longer use a global proj4. Instead,

npm install proj4

and import it:

import proj4 from 'proj4';

Applications can be updated by importing the register function from the ol/proj/proj4 module

import {register} from 'ol/proj/proj4'

and calling it before using projections, and any time the proj4 registry was changed by proj4.defs() calls:


Removal of logos

The map and sources no longer accept a logo option. Instead, if you wish to append a logo to your map, add the desired markup directly in your HTML. In addition, you can use the attributions property of a source to display arbitrary markup per-source with the attribution control.

Replacement of ol/Sphere constructor with ol/sphere functions

The ol/Sphere constructor has been removed. If you were using the getGeodesicArea method, use the getArea function instead. If you were using the haversineDistance method, use the getDistance function instead.

Examples before:

// using ol@4
import Sphere from 'ol/sphere';

var sphere = new Sphere(Sphere.DEFAULT_RADIUS);
var area = sphere.getGeodesicArea(polygon);
var distance = sphere.haversineDistance(g1, g2);

Examples after:

// using ol@5
import {circular as circularPolygon} from 'ol/geom/Polygon';
import {getArea, getDistance} from 'ol/sphere';

var area = getArea(polygon);
var distance = getDistance(g1, g2);
var circle = circularPolygon(center, radius);

New signature for the circular function for creating polygons

The circular function exported from ol/geom/Polygon no longer requires a Sphere as the first argument.

Example before:

// using ol@4
import Polygon from 'ol/geom/polygon';
import Sphere from 'ol/sphere';

var poly = Polygon.circular(new Sphere(Sphere.DEFAULT_RADIUS), center, radius);

Example after:

// using ol@5
import {circular as circularPolygon} from 'ol/geom/Polygon';

var poly = circularPolygon(center, radius);

Removal of optional this arguments.

The optional this (i.e. opt_this) arguments were removed from the following methods. Please use closures, the es6 arrow function or the bind method to achieve this effect (Bind is explained here:

  • Collection#forEach
  • geom/LineString#forEachSegment
  • Observable#on, #once, #un
  • Map#forEachLayerAtPixel
  • source/TileUTFGrid#forDataAtCoordinateAndResolution
  • source/Vector#forEachFeature, #forEachFeatureInExtent, #forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent

Map#forEachLayerAtPixel parameters have changed

If you are using the layer filter, please note that you now have to pass in the layer filter via an AtPixelOptions object. If you are not using the layer filter the usage has not changed.

Old syntax:

    map.forEachLayerAtPixel(pixel, callback, callbackThis, layerFilterFn, layerFilterThis);

New syntax:

    map.forEachLayerAtPixel(pixel, callback, {
        layerFilter: layerFilterFn

To bind a function to a this, please use the bind method of the function (See:

This change is due to the introduction of the hitTolerance parameter which can be passed in via this AtPixelOptions object, too.

New Features and Fixes

Read more


30 Apr 06:01
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v5.0.0-beta.10 Pre-release

This is a pre-release of OpenLayers 5.0, with the purpose of just providing a full build (ol.js and ol.css).


20 Mar 21:46
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The v4.6.5 release fixes a hit detection issue when declutter: true is set on an ol.layer.VectorTile.


  • #7669 - Use declutter tree only for text and image replays (@ahocevar)


02 Jan 23:39
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The v4.6.4 release fixes a feature selection issue when renderMode: 'image' is set on an ol.layer.Vector.


  • #7559 - Handle skipping and unskipping features with renderMode: 'image' (@ahocevar)