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Philipp edited this page May 24, 2019 · 1 revision


Module for the syntactic connection of an external application and its data to the Open Integration Hub. This includes protocol translation, data format transformation, etc.


"Aggregate is a pattern in Domain-Driven Design. A DDD aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit. An example may be an order and its line-items, these will be separate objects, but it's useful to treat the order (together with its line items) as a single aggregate. An aggregate will have one of its component objects be the aggregate root. Any references from outside the aggregate should only go to the aggregate root. The root can thus ensure the integrity of the aggregate as a whole."



Combination of Adapter and Transformer.

Data Hub

The data hub is an optional part of the smart data framework. It enables data storage and additionally (optionally) provides the possibility to store the raw data of an integration flow.

Data Integration

"The data hub is an optional part of the smart data framework. It enables data storage and additionally (optionally) provides the possibility to store the raw data of an integration flow."


Domain Model

s. Master Data Model

Integration Framework

The Integration Framework provides basic services to enable authorization, validation and routing.

Integration Process/Flow

Within the scrope of the Open Integration Hub, an integration process or an integration flow describes the process of data propagation from one source system to n (any number of) target systems via the Open Integration Hub.


Projection (Mapping) of one or many data structures on one ore many data structures.

Master Data Management

Master data management (MDM) is a methodical approach for the administration/mangement of data and its semantical relations. Additional in the field of application suiteable physical data storage on demand.

Master Data Model

An Open Integration Hub master data model describes the data of a certain domain in a depth which is sufficient enough to map and synchronize the specific data of multiple applications in that domain. In other words, an OMDM is a generic data model in the context of a specific domain, which is designed to cover, if possible, all content-related requirements of the applications integrated with the model.


"The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery."


OIH Data Record

The OIHDataRecord defines a superset of mandatory and optional (meta) data for records processed by an OIH instance. Each of sub-model of an OMDM has to be marked as an OIHDataRecord.

Proprietary Data Model

The purpose of the OIH is to synchronize data between different applications. Those application come along with their own specific - and typically propietary - data models which have to be mapped to either an OIH Master Data Model or, in case of a peer-to-peer integration, to another application's model.

Private Master Data Model

A number of community-driven Master Data Models for popular domains come along with the OIH which can be used by anyone operating an OIH instance. As there are numerous further domains which might necessitate data integration between several applications, it is also possible to implement any other domain model as a Private Master Data Model and deploy it to an OIH instance - even on a tenant level. Implementing such Private Master Data Models is always accompanied by implementing respective connectors!

Raw Data

Within the Open Integration Hub, raw data is syntactically normalized/transformed data that is not semantically transformed into the open integration hub master data model structure.


Description of the particular data structures, their composition in attributes and cardinalities etc. and the relations between the data structures.

Semantic Transformation

Transformation of data objects between two distinct data models.

Smart Data Framework

The smart data framework supports data synchronization by providing multiple domain models and by capturing relations between data objects within all kinds of integration flows. Furthermore it is possible to activate an optional data storage (see Data Hub), while doing so it is also possible to store the raw data of integration flows.

Specialized Master Data Model

A Specialized Master Data Model is a Master Data Model, which extends another - e.g. community-driven - Master Data Model by further attributes, objects or even OIH Data Records.

Community-driven Master Data Models normally respresent the needs of a certain domain very well. But still, there are sometimes specifics in some environments, which will not find their way into the community's model, but are nevertheless necessary in these environments. To reflect this fact, the Open Integration Hub allows for such model extensions on an OIH instance or even on a tenant level.


A data model representing a certain professional domain normally consists of numerous entities. Hence, it is necessary to split such a data model into smaller parts to enable the transfer of optimized amounts of data through an OIH. Thus, every Open Integration Hub master data model consists of one or multiple loosely coupled sub-models.

Every sub-model has to be modeled as an OIH Data Record an can be a single entity or an aggregate.

Syntactic Transformation

Intermediate transformations between different representations of the same object, e.g., conversions between different encodings.


Module for the semantical connection of an external application via its connector to the Open Integration Hub. This includes mapping of entities, e.g. many entities on one entity, one entity on many entities, etc.