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Sea-level monitor

Tools and applications used to monitor sea-level rise. The notebooks under notebooks contain analysis used for the Dutch sea-level monitor. The directory data contains scripts that are used to process common sources of sea-level data. The directory app contains the public sea-level rise website.


You can view the notebooks using the nbviewer website. You can try out the notebooks by going to the binder website or using github codespaces. You need to follow a few steps to get an environment that can run the notebooks. The following steps will help you through it.

Download data

For windows systems: Install chocolatey from

choco install make
choco install wget

For all systems, also do:

cd data

Note that for the main sea-level monitor you only need to download the data from the directories: psmsl and noaa. So you can go into those directories and run make there. This will download all the tide gauge information and information needed to correct for wind effects.


You can install the packages in the file requirements.txt using pip or anaconda. For pip this is done using pip install -r requirements.txt. Windows users might want to prefer installing these packages through anaconda.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install --file requirements.txt

Additionally, you will also need to compile some local packages located in the slr directory.

cd slr
make install

You can install the packages in the file requirements.txt using pip or anaconda. For pip this is done using pip install -r requirements.txt. Windows users might want to prefer installing these packages through anaconda, setting up a separate environment with conda install --file environment.yml.

Subsequently you have to manually install the package slr from the directory slr with pip install -e slr.

Running the notebook

You can run the notebook in either jupyter notebook or jupyterlab. To start jupyter notebook. From the main level of the repository start jupyter notebook and browse through the notebooks folders. The main notebook is dutch-sea-level-monitor.ipynb.


Binder DOI


In 2016 the MSL record changed . In December 2019 these figures were entered incorrectly. This was fixed in July 2020. The new figures are based on the RLR - NAP distance directly.