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Michael Sauter edited this page Jan 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

Setup OpenShift


Setup Atlassian Stack


Setup ODS

Create the configuration

  1. Clone all the repos from Github to your local machine.
  2. In the terminal, go into “ods-core/configuration-sample”. Then, run the “update” script.
  3. This script will create the folder “ods-configuration” next to “ods-core”, and will place 6 files into it: ods-core.env.sample, ods-provisioning-app-dev.env.sample, ods-provisioning-app-test.env.sample, ods-core.env, ods-provisioning-app-dev.env, ods-provisioning-app-test.env. The content of the .env and the corresponding .env.sample files are exactly the same at this point.
  4. Now the user needs to adjust the values in the .env files according to their einvironment. This step HAS to be manual
  5. In Bitbucket, create a new repo “ods-configuration”
  6. Go into “ods-configuration” and run “git init”, “git add –all”, “git commit”, then add the repo created in step 5 as a remote.
  7. Push the repo to Bitbucket
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