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release 4.4.0 (#1274) #3615

release 4.4.0 (#1274)

release 4.4.0 (#1274) #3615

Triggered via push April 22, 2024 12:09
Status Success
Total duration 2m 19s
Jenkins master tests
1m 1s
Jenkins master tests
Jenkins agent base tests
2m 8s
Jenkins agent base tests
Nexus tests
1m 46s
Nexus tests
Webhook Proxy tests
Webhook Proxy tests
Create Projects tests
Create Projects tests
Verify clone script requirements
Verify clone script requirements
Verify Go tests are formatted and can be compiled
Verify Go tests are formatted and can be compiled
Matrix: SonarQube tests
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2 warnings
Verify Go tests are formatted and can be compiled
Restore cache failed: Dependencies file is not found in /home/runner/work/ods-core/ods-core. Supported file pattern: go.sum
Webhook Proxy tests
Restore cache failed: Dependencies file is not found in /home/runner/work/ods-core/ods-core. Supported file pattern: go.sum