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OBPIH-6354 Bug resolving upgrade changelog versions #4601

merged 8 commits into from
May 21, 2024


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build.gradle Outdated
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ assets {

bootRun {
addResources = true
dependsOn 'npm_run_bundle'
//dependsOn 'npm_run_bundle'
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Ignore for now, I just didn't want to wait around for this shit while I was running tests.

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Apologies in advance but we don't have a place to put these tangential discussions so I'm adding my thoughts here until I can find a good place for this.

@awalkowiak (or anyone else who might know) Is it possible to remove "npm run bundle" when using run-app or debug-app. I think we need to execute it for packaging the WAR file, but when running the application in developer we can start the React / webpack command ourselves.

In fact, if I was a developer I'd probably prefer to use

npm run watch

on its own.

However, I know without the npm_run_bundle the React application won't be available or not having it bundled each time will cause confusion if we're using older resources. But the start is so painful I'd be ok with it.

A few followup questions and comments

  • Is there a good reason to keep the npm_run_bundle dependency on bootRun i.e. grails run-app?
  • Is there a way for us to run the "dependsOn" process in the background?
  • Can we add a placeholder bundle that writes to an error message to the DOM or an alert stating "The app is unavailable - please execute npm run watch in order to access the UI"
  • We could probably add a command line argument (property) to enable/disable webpack mode (i.e. bundle, watch, none) with none being the default
gradlew bootRun -Pmode=watch

We'd also want to figure out the equivalent when running via Grails since I don't think Grails passes arguments to gradle by default. We would need to explicitly capture and pass the arguments to Gradle.

grails run-app

Here's a resource that I think Artur probably encountered when working on the React integration a long time ago.

And at the bottom, there's a suggestion I don't love, but also don't hate re: npm scripts. It doesn't really help us unless we decided to fundamentally change the way we start the application in development. Although I guess having both options (heavy version using grails/gradle and light version using npm scripts) might be fine.

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@jmiranda I had no chance to dive into this one more, perhaps this is a candidate for a discovery ticket?

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I'm about to revert this change but wanted to get some data before doing so.

Can you all provide some metrics from your development environments (CPU usage, build time) when running "npm run bulde"

Without "npm run bundle" being executed, the build takes about 90 seconds and I can still use my computer while grails run-app command is starting up the application

With "npm run bundle", load is high and CPU is pegged at 100% for about 5 minutes making my laptop unuseable during that time. In fact, I can't even finish writing this message.

top - 12:00:17 up 2 days,  3:11,  1 user,  load average: 9.34, 11.36, 8.01
Tasks: 476 total,   1 running, 475 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 85.0 us,  6.1 sy,  0.0 ni,  7.6 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  1.3 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :  31730.5 total,   3986.2 free,  20225.6 used,   7518.7 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  15737.5 total,  15630.6 free,    106.9 used.  10243.8 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                               
 269879 jmiranda  20   0   33.3g   1.1g  34336 S 569.2   3.7   4:53.21 webpack                                                                                                                               
 269776 jmiranda  20   0 5192956 875540  35612 S  75.2   2.7   1:57.32 java                                                                                                                                  
  17317 jmiranda  20   0 1133.9g 448144 118096 S  27.5   1.4 358:23.45 Logseq                                                                                                                                
   4396 jmiranda  20   0 5383544 817812 106552 S  12.9   2.5 116:05.66 gnome-shell                                                                                                                           
  13755 jmiranda  20   0   33.1g 724856 300296 S  11.6   2.2 235:45.79 chrome                                                                                                                                
  14246 jmiranda  20   0 1138.3g 273436 137364 S  10.6   0.8  43:57.59 chrome                         ```

I would like to know whether this is anomaly or whether others are experiencing this. If it's just me I'll keep commenting out npm_run_bundle on my own. If others are encountering this behavior, I'll create a discovery ticket to see if there's something we can do about it.

cc @EWaterman @kchelstowski @alannadolny @drodzewicz

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I get a pretty decent spike up as well, though it doesn't totally brick my computer


build.gradle Outdated
@@ -304,6 +304,10 @@ configurations {

configurations.integrationTestImplementation {
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Missing configuration to prevent ClassNotFoundErrors while running tests. Need to make sure this is the proper solution.

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Does everyone feel comfortable with this?

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@EWaterman EWaterman May 16, 2024

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build.gradle Outdated
@@ -609,7 +614,7 @@ dependencies {

// FIXME use commons-csv instead
implementation 'org.grails.plugins:excel-import:3.0.2'
compile 'org.grails.plugins:excel-import:3.0.2'
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I need to revert this change, since the config above should fix this.

@@ -382,6 +386,7 @@ sourceSets {
springBoot {
mainClass = 'org.pih.warehouse.Application'
executable = true
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Added this so that I could test the database migration with the application being deployed with standalone war i.e. embedded tomcat.

cd build/libs

We should also test to make sure the everything works properly when deployed to an actual Tomcat server.

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It seems like this gives us the benefit of the creating an executable WAR file without the downside of dependency issues on the deployment side (i.e. embedded tomcat classes conflicting with the container classes installed on the server).

The WAR files are about the same size

-rwxrw-r--  1 jmiranda jmiranda 187060158 May 15 12:09 openboxes-standalone.war
-rw-rw-r--  1 jmiranda jmiranda 187051977 May 15 12:12 openboxes.war

They both have the same number of files (and probably the same JARs)

[jmiranda@jmiranda-ThinkPad-W540 libs (OBPIH-6354-resolve-upgrade-version)]$ jar -tvf openboxes.war | wc -l
[jmiranda@jmiranda-ThinkPad-W540 libs (OBPIH-6354-resolve-upgrade-version)]$ jar -tvf openboxes-standalone.war | wc -l

The only difference seems to be in the way the files are "executable".

The "executable" WAR seems to have a bash script which can be seen if you head the file (see

[jmiranda@jmiranda-ThinkPad-W540 libs (OBPIH-6354-resolve-upgrade-version)]$ head -10 openboxes-standalone.war 
#    .   ____          _            __ _ _
#   /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
#  ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
#   \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
#    '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
#   =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
#   :: Spring Boot Startup Script ::

According to the Spring Boot docs

Fully executable jars work by embedding an extra script at the front of the file. Currently, some tools do not accept this format, so you may not always be able to use this technique.


This means that the executable WAR file can be executed like a binary file.

jmiranda@jmiranda-ThinkPad-W540 libs (OBPIH-6354-resolve-upgrade-version)]$ ./openboxes-standalone.war 
12:14:19,807 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml]
12:14:19,807 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [logback.xml] at [jar:file:/home/jmiranda/git/openboxes-grails-migration/build/libs/openboxes-standalone.war!/WEB-INF/classes!/logback.xml]
12:14:19,825 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.ConfigurationWatchList@7d417077 - URL [jar:file:/home/jmiranda/git/openboxes-grails-migration/build/libs/openboxes-standalone.war!/WEB-INF/classes!/logback.xml] is not of type file

while the non-executable WAR can requires you to execute the WAR using java -jar

[jmiranda@jmiranda-ThinkPad-W540 libs (OBPIH-6354-resolve-upgrade-version)]$ java -jar openboxes.war
12:15:55,018 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml]
12:15:55,018 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [logback.xml] at [jar:file:/home/jmiranda/git/openboxes-grails-migration/build/libs/openboxes.war!/WEB-INF/classes!/logback.xml]
12:15:55,038 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.ConfigurationWatchList@7d417077 - URL [jar:file:/home/jmiranda/git/openboxes-grails-migration/build/libs/openboxes.war!/WEB-INF/classes!/logback.xml] is not of type file
12:15:55,224 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - debug attribute not set

So they are essentially the same, execute for that wrapper bash script. Do you think it's ok to keep it in or would you feel more comfortable if this was moved to a discovery ticket?

cc @EWaterman @awalkowiak @kchelstowski @alannadolny @drodzewicz

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as long as you can still run it via java -jar (which it seems like you can), I don't have any issues with making it executable"upgradeChangeLogVersions: " + upgradeChangeLogVersions)
if (upgradeChangeLogVersions?.empty) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to execute database migrations")
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Not sure if this is the right approach (or error message) but I'd prefer to throw an error rather than silently failing like we have for the past few months.

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Let's throw an error, but perhaps it would be better to give more descriptive reason? Especially why exactly "unable to execute"

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The reason I wasn't more specific is because I honestly have no idea how to explain this. :)

Let me know if you have any thoughts.

static Set<String> getChangeLogVersions(String changeLogFile) {
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(changeLogFile, new ClassLoaderResourceAccessor(), database)
println "changelogfile: " + liquibase.changeLogFile
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Feeling cute, might delete later.

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Integration tests seem to be running ok. At least when executed individually.

./gradlew integrationTest --tests util.LiquibaseUtilSpec --stacktrace


build.gradle Outdated
showStandardStreams = true
//exceptionFormat = TestExceptionFormat.FULL
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Does this look right?

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@EWaterman EWaterman May 16, 2024

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  • showStackTraces seems to be true by default
  • you can use the TestLogEvent enum in the events section if you don't want to hardcode strings

Otherwise it looks fine to me.

I found a fancier one but it's probably more than we need at this point:

@awalkowiak awalkowiak changed the base branch from feature/upgrade-to-grails-3.3.10 to develop May 17, 2024 11:47
@awalkowiak awalkowiak merged commit 3eab73e into develop May 21, 2024
1 check passed
@awalkowiak awalkowiak deleted the OBPIH-6354-resolve-upgrade-version branch May 21, 2024 08:46
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