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Item Catalog Application - (Car Talog)

Project Overview

This project uses Python Flask Framework to deploy a RESTful web application that uses OAuth authentication and CRUD based data manipulation. This code will run on a local server.


1. Install VirtualBox and Vagrant

2. Google Oauth Authentication

  • Go to and login with Google.
  • Create a new project.
  • Select "API's and Auth -> Credentials -> Create a new OAuth client ID" from the project menu.
  • Select Web Application.
  • On the consent screen, type in a product name and save.
  • Click download JSON and save it into the root director of this project.
  • Rename the JSON file "client_secrets.json"

Run the Virtual Machine

  • Using the terminal, change directory to project directory, then type vagrant up to launch your virtual machine. When the VM is up and running, type in vagrant ssh Change the directory cd /vagrant, this gets you to the shared folder within the VM and host machine.

Run the Project

First time running the project, you'll have to dump the default data first by typing python in the Linux Shell prompt Finally, you should type in python to run the application, then you can access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8000

JSON Endpoints

The application has JSON endpoints for users to access the database info for development and testing purposes. These endpoints are as follows:

  1. localhost:8000/categories/items/json will display all items from the catalog.
  2. localhost:8000/categories/Sedan/items/json will display all items in a category in JSON, where Sedan is the category.
  "Items": [
      "category": "Sedan", 
      "description": "Expect to see the 6.1-inch multimedia touchscreen.", 
      "id": 4, 
      "image": "", 
      "name": "2019 Toyota Corolla", 
      "price": "23000"
  1. http://localhost:8000/categories/Sedan/2019%20Toyota%20Corolla/json will like the web application give details on aspecific item in JSON.


In some computers running Windows for OS the command vagrant ssh may not work correctly. For those systems please try winpty vagrant ssh


Python Flask application that makes use of Google Oauth Authentication for access and CRUD processes.







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