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The goal of reuseme is to provide utility functions for project management across RStudio projects. Sometimes, you have to manage multiple things at once, but don’t have the time to do edits. You may need to switch quickly to a project, add things or browse a certain file if you have some replications across projects. Sometimes, it is hard to do that. reuseme also aims to help me overcome things I don’t like on Windows.


You can install the development version of reuseme like so:

# R-universe
install.packages('reuseme', repos = c('', ''))

# From GitHub

Getting started

reuseme is adapted for a standard workflow, recommended in (find resources)

  • Anyone working in RStudio (recent version for hyperlink support)
  • Work with RStudio projects
  • Your RStudio projects are organized in a centralized location on your computer
  • Your RStudio projects are Version controlled with git (optional, but recommended to avoid surprises! No need to be hosted on repositories like GitLab or GitHub)
  • You are working on Windows (macOS is supported, but some things were designed on Windows)
  • You use machine and human readable paths (i.e. no spaces, special characters) (Tip: don’t hesitate to rename your files, it can take away the pain in the long run!

To take advantage of reuseme, it is highly recommended to set the following option in your .Rprofile

options(reuseme.reposdir = c("~/rrr", "any-other-directories-that-contain-rstudio-projects"))

This will enable functions like proj_switch(), proj_list(), use_todo() to be optimized.


Since the package is meant for interactive use, there may not be a lot of code. It takes advantage of cli hyperlinks to improve productivity.

## basic example code

Most of these functions are meant to be used in RStudio, and in RStudio Projects, as they have not been widely tested outside this context.

In interactive sessions, you can use the screenshot() function to access an image in the clipboard and save it as .png in a figures/ or images/directory in your RStudio project.

reuseme helps you work across projects, with the proj_switch() function. proj_switch() works a lot like usethis::proj_activate() with the advantage of only typing the project name, instead of the full path. By default, reuseme looks at options(reuseme.reposdir), that is a vector of paths where repositories are located. Personally, I use ~/rrr (for my own projects) and ~/rrr-forks (for projects I contribute to).

When not supplying the proj argument, many functions will just offer you to choose, with a user interface built on cli hyperlinks.

Extend usethis functionality

usethis is fantastic to manage workflow within a project, but is harder across projects.

If you want to work across projects with usethis, you need to provide the full path to a project. With reuseme, just use the project name!

usethis vs reuseme
Workflow reuseme usethis
Switch to project “cool-project” proj_switch(proj = "cool-project") proj_activate(path = "C:/users/long/path/to/cool-project")
Write a TODO item in project “cooler-project”, while working in “cool-project” use_todo(todo = "I need to do this ASAP as possible", proj = "cooler-project") usethis::write_union(path = "C:/Users/I/do/not/want/to/type/cooler-project/TODO.R", lines = "I need to do this ASAP as possible.")
Open pkgdown site link and see vignettes
  1. `browse_pkg(“usethis”)
  2. Click on the hyperlinks that correspond to your query
  1. browse_package("usethis")
  2. Type the correct number that corresponds
  3. browseVignettes("usethis")
  4. Open it

usethis vs reuseme

Proposing a data analysis workflow

Outline speed

Due to the growing number of criteria, regex, file_outline() is slowing down a bit. I will address that.

  outline <- proj_outline()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   expression                     min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr>                <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 outline <- proj_outline()    559ms    559ms      1.79      18MB     3.58
Example outline

#> ── `inst/example-file/outline-script.R`  Example for `file_outline()`
#> `i` Load packages
#> `i` Wrangle + visualize data
#> `i` A great title
#> `i` TODO improve this Viz!- `Done✔?`
#> ── ``  MIT License
#> ── `playground/roxygen2-test.R`
#> `i` Section to extract
#> ── `R/dplyr-plus.R`  dplyr extra
#> `i` in the presence of ties.
#> `i` Use with_ties = FALSE to return exactly n matches
#> `i` Use each = FALSE to have n divided in each place
#> `i` FIXME Doesn't work, problem with symbols here- `Done✔?`
#> `i` with dplyr::filter
#> `i` extract the skin_color for C-3PO
#> `i` will return a named vector of mpg (as mtcars has rownames.)
#> `i` Extract hair color for all people
#> `i` TODO use `check_length()` when implemented. r-lib/rlang#1618 (<>)- `Done✔?`
#> `i` summarise with total
#> `i` works with `.by`
#> `i` works with `group_by()`
#> `i` NA all 2s
#> `i` You can actually use dplyr::na_if() in this case
#> `i` NA all 1 and 2
#> ── `R/eda-identity.R`  dplyr/base identity helpers --------------------
#> `i` Use cases / advantages
#> `i` Caution
#> `i` Workflow to explore mtcars
#> `i` base identity functions
#> `i` dplyr identity functions with small tweaks
#> `i` dplyr identity without tweaks
#> `i` dplyr extensions identity
#> `i` helpers
#> ── `R/escape-inline-markup.R`
#> `i` example code
#> `i` last instance taken care of with escape_markup with a different strategy
#> ── `R/files-conflicts.R`
#> `i` TODO insert in either proj_outline, or rename_file- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO probably needs a `detect_genuine_path()`- `Done✔?`
#> `i` Helpers
#> `i` TODO Add false positive references- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO fs::path and file.path should be handled differently- `Done✔?`
#> ── `R/import-standalone-types-check.R`
#> `i` Scalars
#> `i` Vectors
#> ── `R/named.R`
#> `i` returns the same as base R for unnamed input
#> `i` returns all values
#> `i` TODO is usable with `extract_cell_value()`
#> ── `R/open.R`
#> `i` FIXME why is this code like this?- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO structure and summarise information.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` FIXME (upstream) the color div doesn't go all the way r-lib/cli#694 (<>)- `Done✔?`
#> ── `R/outdated-pkgs.R`
#> `i` TODO figure out pad :)- `Done✔?`
#> ── `R/outline-criteria.R`
#> `i` Add variable to outline data frame
#> `i` TODO strip is_cli_info in Package? only valid for EDA- `Done✔?`
#> `i` FIXME try to detect all the chunk caption, but would have to figure out the end of it maybe lightparser.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` it is 'R/outline.R'
#> ── `R/outline.R`  `proj_outline()`
#> `i` Remove todo items
#> `i` interact with data frame
#> `i` These all work on the active file / project or directory.
#> `i` Like proj_switch(), proj_outline() accepts a project
#> `i` `file_outline()`
#> `i` File outline
#> `i` Print method
#> `i` Step: tweak outline look as they show
#> `i` TODO reanable cli info- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO Improve performance with vctrs tidyverse/dplyr#6806 (<>)- `Done✔?`
#> ── `R/proj-list.R`
#> `i` TODO maybe add a max?- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO improve on this message- `Done✔?`
#> ── `R/proj-reuseme.R`
#> `i` Setup
#> `i` Capabilities.
#> ── `R/rename-files.R`
#> `i` Use case
#> `i` After here, we start doing some renaming real situations
#> `i` Helpers
#> `i` helpers for computing scope of renaming
#> `i` TODO measure of string proximity- `Done✔?`
#> `i` Prevent renaming if something is going on
#> `i` FIXME maybe not fail while testing- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO Check that old file is more recent- `Done✔?`
#> ── `R/use-todo.R`
#> `i` TODO think about maybe using todo = clipr::read_clip()- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO nice to have, but would need to extract duplicates- `Done✔?`
#> `i` Helpers
#> ── `R/utils-proj.R`  usethis adaptions utils
#> `i` Active project / document
#> ── `R/utils.R`  OS utils
#> ── `tests/testthat/_ref/`  The title is the only outline element
#> `i` Another title
#> `i` Second level
#> `i` TODO this is an item- `Done✔?`
#> `i` Last title
#> ── `tests/testthat/_ref/`  My doc title
#> `i` A section
#> `i` Dashboard card
#> `i` A code section
#> `i` A subsection
#> `i` A section2
#> `i` A long ggplot2 title
#> `i` A code section
#> ── `tests/testthat/_ref/my-analysis.R`  Analyse my streets
#> `i` Read my streets (<https://>) data
#> `i` data wrangling
#> `i` Write my streets
#> `i` TODO Create a new version- `Done✔?`
#> `i` Roxygen section
#> `i` A real one
#> `i` A true one
#> `i` 'R/my-file.R'
#> `i` Section title
#> ── `tests/testthat/_ref/`  The title is the only outline element
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` wrong cases error
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` adds rows in front, but warns the user
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` Side effects are what's intended in interactive sessions
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` No outline criteria are untested
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` alpha and work_only arguments work
#> `i` pattern works as expected
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` Helper files returns the expected input
#> ── `tests/testthat/_snaps/`
#> `i` Marking a TODO item as done works
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-case-if-any.R`
#> `i` case_if_any() basic work
#> `i` wrong cases error
#> `i` case_if_any() can use a newly created variable (#8)
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-dplyr-plus.R`
#> `i` filter_if_any() errors correctly when using `by` instead of `.by`
#> `i` filter_if_any() errors with across()
#> `i` TODO improve this error- `Done✔?`
#> `i` adds rows in front, but warns the user
#> `i` summarise_with_total() keeps factors
#> `i` na_if2() works with expr and values
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-eda-identity.R`
#> `i` Returns identity
#> `i` Side effects are what's intended in interactive sessions
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-link-elements.R`
#> `i` link_gh_issue() + markup_href() work
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-named.R`
#> `i` min/max/unique_named() return named output
#> `i` max_named() and unique_named() work with unnamed vectors
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-open.R`
#> `i` open_rs_doc() errors in non-interactive sessions
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-outline-criteria.R`  Test individual outline elements
#> `i` No outline criteria are untested
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-outline.R`
#> `i` alpha and work_only arguments work
#> `i` file_outline() is a data frame
#> `i` TODO change tests for data frame size when stable (efficiency). As stil…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` file_outline() with only title doesn't error
#> `i` file_outline() contains function calls
#> `i` dir_outline() works with no error
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-rename-files.R`
#> `i` Helper files returns the expected input
#> `i` force and action are deprecated
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-screenshot.R`
#> `i` screenshot() does nothing in non-interactive sessions
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-use-todo.R`
#> `i` Marking TODO as done detects tags
#> `i` todo items are correctly stripped
#> ── `tests/testthat/test-utils.R`
#> `i` Windows is recognized correctly.
#> ── `TODO.R`
#> `i` TODO screenshot make the behaviour different when vignettes vs articl…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO screenshot RStudio addin to insert the code directly in the qmd …- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO use_family() to edit .R file to add @family data frames tags to ro…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO mutate_identity redundant if the focus pillar PR was merged. r-lib/pillar#585 (<>)- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO rename if many matches, separate those with the exact path.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline make ggtitle work- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline show extra msg only for some, but in file outline, not i…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline detect help calls and apply markup. `?fs::file_show` dis…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline renable cli info.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO escape_markup doesn't work with complex operation {x^2} for example. Maybe if detecting something complex, use cli_escape function. escape-complex-markyp branch created to try to address this.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline avoid evaluating in current env.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO wrap regexps in functions- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline remove examples from outline. Sometimes commented code i…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline roxygen comments processing should be left to `roxygen2::parse_file()`- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline show key like `pak::pkg_deps_tree()` does.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline roxygen function title- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline remove ggtext markup from plot title.- `Done✔?`
#> `i` FIXME outline comments are now interpreted as section- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline todos in qmd file inside html comment- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO reframe more than one issue. nw drive- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO delete generated files- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO [proj_file] to accesss data (return the path in this case?)- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO [check_referenced_files] doesn't check for 'R/file.R'- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO explain rationale behind `work_only`. Suggest to transform to TODO…- `Done✔?`
#> `i` TODO outline Show function call if exported + not internal + bonus if…- `Done✔?`
#> ── ``
#> `i` reuseme (development version)
#> `i` reuseme 0.0.2
#> `i` reuseme 0.0.1
#> ── `README.Rmd`
#> `i` reuseme
#> `i` Installation
#> `i` Getting started
#> `i` Example
#> `i` hello
#> `i` Extend usethis functionality
#> `i` Proposing a data analysis workflow
#> `i` Outline speed


Collections of Utility Functions to Work Across Projects




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