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Octopress Themes

I got tired of looking for octopress themes through the table view on the Octopress Wiki Pages so I made a simple gallery for easier browsing. All the data was curated from the Octopress Wiki pages by using a simple Ruby Script.

Theme submission

The site is built with jekyll, so you can easily submit pull requests by doing the next few steps:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a new post in the _posts directory, named "YYYY-MM-DD-#{theme_name.underscore.dasherize}".
  3. Add data to the post, following the Jekyll front matter format, e.g:
title: BlogTheme
slug: blog-theme
demo_screenshot: (this is only needed if there isn't a live demo)
description: E.G: Minimal and responsive theme
  1. Add a screenshot sized 400x300px in the screenshots folder. The screenshot should be in a png format, and be named as the slug name of the theme (so, if the name of the theme is 'SuperTheme', the screenshot file should be 'super-theme.png').


The layout used is an open source template called Drifolio-Bootstrap by @srizon.

The site was inspired by Jekyll Themes.