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Test Generate Schema #986

Test Generate Schema

Test Generate Schema #986

Triggered via schedule April 29, 2024 00:11
Status Success
Total duration 37s


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23 warnings
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-dotnet@v1. For more information see:
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/setup-dotnet@v1. For more info:
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/QueryBuilderTests.cs#L1292
Field 'QueryBuilderTests.TestModelObject.IntField2' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryIssuesAllPagesTests.cs#L16
Field 'SubqueryPlaceholder.placeholder' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryIssuesAllPagesTests.cs#L232
The literal or constant value "repoid" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Issues_AllPages'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryIssuesAllPagesTests.cs#L233
The literal or constant value "end0" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Issues_AllPages'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryIssuesAllPagesTests.cs#L253
The literal or constant value "end1" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Issues_AllPages'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryNameIssuesAllPagesTests.cs#L195
The literal or constant value "repoid" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Name_Issues_AllPages'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryNameIssuesAllPagesTests.cs#L196
The literal or constant value "end0" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Name_Issues_AllPages'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryNameIssuesAllPagesToDictionaryTests.cs#L197
The literal or constant value "repoid" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Name_Issues_AllPages_To_Dictionary'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core.UnitTests/PagingTests/RepositoryNameIssuesAllPagesToDictionaryTests.cs#L198
The literal or constant value "end0" should be passed as the 'expected' argument in the call to 'Assert.Equal(expected, actual)' in method 'Reads_All_Pages' on type 'Repository_Name_Issues_AllPages_To_Dictionary'.
build: Octokit.GraphQL/Model/Assignee.cs#L18
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Assignee.Switch<TResult>(Expression<Func<Assignee.Selector<TResult>, Assignee.Selector<TResult>>>)'
.NET Core 3.1 is no longer supported and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to for more information about the .NET support policy.
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/ConnectionExtensions.cs#L8
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'ConnectionExtensions'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/ConnectionExtensions.cs#L10
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'ConnectionExtensions.Run<T>(IConnection, IQueryableValue<T>, CancellationToken)'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/ConnectionExtensions.cs#L18
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'ConnectionExtensions.Run<T>(IConnection, IQueryableList<T>, CancellationToken)'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/ConnectionExtensions.cs#L26
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'ConnectionExtensions.Run<T>(IConnection, ICompiledQuery<T>, Dictionary<string, object>, CancellationToken)'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/Core/Arg.cs#L5
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Arg<T>'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/Core/Arg.cs#L9
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Arg<T>.Arg(T)'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/Core/Arg.cs#L16
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Arg<T>.Arg(string, bool)'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/Core/Arg.cs#L23
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Arg<T>.VariableName'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/Core/Arg.cs#L24
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Arg<T>.Value'
build: Octokit.GraphQL.Core/Core/Arg.cs#L29
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Arg<T>.implicit operator Arg<T>(T)'