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Flutter App Widget

App Widget / Home Screen widget plugin for flutter app


Please see app_widget subdirectory for the usage documentation.

Plaform Support

Android iOS

Project Structure

This project follow the standard for flutter plugin development where each pieces are independent of each other. Other platform interface can be easily added by inherit the base platform interface and expose the require api to the main app_wiget plugin.


  1. Fork
  2. Checkout to feature branch
  3. Add feature and unit test
  4. Make sure all unit test pass
  5. Add platform integration test and run integration test
  6. Create a PR

Android Integration Test

  • Make sure to run on the latest and minSdk supported

in app_widget/example/integration_test/app_widget_test.dart

cd app_widget/example
# this will require a connected device for android
flutter test integration_test/app_widget_test.dart