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Metrics #187

Workflow file for this run

# Visit for full reference
name: Metrics
# Schedule updates (each day)
schedule: [{ cron: "0 1 * * *" }]
# Lines below let you run workflow manually and on each commit
push: { branches: ["main"] }
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
# Your GitHub token
# The following scopes are required:
# - public_access (default scope)
# The following additional scopes may be required:
# - read:org (for organization related metrics)
# - read:user (for user related data)
# - repo (optional, if you want to include private repositories)
token: ${{ secrets.METRIC_TOKEN }}
# Options
user: novemberde
template: classic
base: header, activity, community, repositories
config_timezone: Asia/Seoul
plugin_gists: yes
plugin_habits: yes
plugin_isocalendar: yes
plugin_isocalendar_duration: full-year
plugin_languages: yes
plugin_languages_analysis_timeout: 15
plugin_languages_categories: markup, programming
plugin_languages_colors: github
plugin_languages_ignored: html, css, scss, javascript, typescript, json, yaml, markdown, text, svg, xml, shell, makefile, dockerfile, plaintext, vue, vuejs, other
# plugin_languages_ignored: html, css, scss, javascript, typescript, json, yaml, markdown, text, svg, xml, shell, makefile, dockerfile, plaintext, vue, vuejs, tex, latex
plugin_languages_limit: 8
plugin_languages_recent_categories: markup, programming
plugin_languages_recent_days: 14
plugin_languages_recent_load: 300
plugin_languages_sections: most-used
plugin_languages_threshold: 0%
# plugin_notable: yes
# plugin_notable_from: organization
# plugin_notable_types: commit