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Stronk Backend

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This is a Flask backend for Stronk that exposes a GraphQL API. We also use Azure Pipelines for CI.

Running with Docker and Docker Compose


Ensure you have Docker, python3.7, pip, postgreSQL and newman installed.

  1. git clone
  2. cd stronk-backend
  3. source venv/bin/activate to use venv
  4. pip3 install -r requirements.txt To install dependencies
  5. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  6. Rename the dotenv file to .env and fill out the secrets.
  7. Open .flaskenv to fill out any missing environment variables.
  8. Ensure you create a database in PostgreSQL that matches the one in DATABASE_URL in .env. If you don't, follow the instructions below to set up the database!
  9. Set up a Firebase Service Account for Stronk if you do not already have one and download the json credentials file
  10. Rename the json file to stronk-google-credentials.json and copy it to the the root of the project
  11. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up for development and docker-compose up otherwise. Running in development mounts the project dir in the container and lets the app reflect changes you make during development without being forced to rebuild each time.

Server will be live on port 5000 and database on port 5001.

Running without Docker and Docker Compose


Ensure you havepython3, , postgreSQL and newman installed.

  1. Set up your virtualenv by following this guide
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create a Postgres database. This database will have a database (connect) url in the format postgresql://{username}:{password}@localhost:{port}/{database name}
  4. Make a copy of dotenv and rename it to .env and fill in the environment variables. You should also look at .flaskenv where you can change FLASK_ENV.
  5. Set up a Firebase Service Account for Stronk if you do not already have one and download the json credentials file
  6. Rename the json file to stronk-google-credentials.json and copy it to the the root of the project
  7. Run the database migrations flask db upgrade
  8. Run the server flask run

Server will be live on port 5000

Setting up the database

docker-compose.yml will pull the latest version of the official postgres docker image.

Fill in the DB_NAME and DB_PASSWORD in .env which correspond to the POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB in docker-compose.yml. Any name is fine for the database, just make sure you remember it so that you can set up the .env file.

A database will be created automatically for you with the name DB_NAME. Access from outside the db container will require a password whereas access from within does not.

More info on this and the environment variables available here.

Database connection URL

Run this to get which port the container is mapped to docker ps

DATABASE_URL="postgresql://{username}:{password}@localhost:{port}/{database name}"

# This is mine for example:
# DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:test@localhost:32773/stronk"

Connecting to the database

# run this on your host if you need to connect to the database in the container
psql -h localhost -p {port} -U postgres --password

Executing a command

# psql -h localhost -p {port} -U {username} -c "CREATE DATABASE {database name};" --password

# Example:
# psql -h localhost -p 5001 -U postgres  -c "CREATE DATABASE stronk;" --password
#  -c       : lets us run an SQL command directly

this is a pretty good resource to consult


To add mock data to the database so interacting is easier:

# example:
# psql -h localhost -p 32768 -U postgres -d stronk -a -f ./tests/fixtures/insert_mock_data.sql
psql -h localhost -p {port} -U {user name} -d {database name} -a -f ./tests/fixtures/insert_mock_data.sql


  1. Make sure your .flaskenv file is configured for testing and run the app
export FLASK_ENV=testing

flask run
  1. In another terminal, set the environment variable, TEST_DATABASE_URL to the address exposed by the db service.
  2. Run ./scripts/

Server will be live on port 5000

  • when developing, make sure to run repeat step 3 to use your virtual env


We will use Flask Blueprints to modularize the design of the back-end. Blueprints can be found under the controllers/ directory. Example usage of blueprints can be found here.

Entry point

The entry point of the backend is stronk/


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