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npm i -s 3d-core-raub


Desktop 3D applications with Node.js and OpenGL.

  • WebGL-like interface. Real OpenGL though.
  • Three.js compatible environment.
  • Use node modules and compiled addons: CUDA, OpenCL, etc.
  • Window control. Multiwindow applications.
  • Read/write files.
  • Crossplatform: Linux x64, Linux ARM, MacOS x64, Windows x64.


Compatibility with three.js allows porting the existing JS code. The real OpenGL backend is used (not ANGLE). So it is possible to use the GL resource IDs to setup interoperation with CUDA or OpenCL. This is the most important feature of this project and why it was created in the first place.

It is quite possible to create a fully-features apps and games using this framework. For example, see Space Simulation Toolkit.

Quick start

  1. Setup the project directory:

    mkdir my-project
    cd my-project
    npm init -y
    npm i -s 3d-core-raub three
    touch index.js
  2. Paste the code and see if it works:

    const three = require('three');
    const { init, addThreeHelpers } = require('3d-core-raub');
    const { doc, gl, requestAnimationFrame } = init({ isGles3: true });
    addThreeHelpers(three, gl);
    const renderer = new three.WebGLRenderer();
    renderer.setPixelRatio( doc.devicePixelRatio );
    renderer.setSize( doc.innerWidth, doc.innerHeight );
    const camera = new three.PerspectiveCamera(70, doc.innerWidth / doc.innerHeight, 1, 1000);
    camera.position.z = 2;
    const scene = new three.Scene();
    const geometry = new three.BoxGeometry();
    const material = new three.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xFACE8D });
    const mesh = new three.Mesh( geometry, material );
    doc.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    	camera.aspect = doc.innerWidth / doc.innerHeight;
    	renderer.setSize(doc.innerWidth, doc.innerHeight);
    const animate = () => {
    	const time =;
    	mesh.rotation.x = time * 0.0005;
    	mesh.rotation.y = time * 0.001;
    	renderer.render(scene, camera);
  3. See docs and examples: 3d-core-raub.

  4. Take a look at Three.js examples.

Node3D Modules

  1. Dependency - carries one or more precompiled binary and/or C++ headers.

  2. Addon - provides native bindings.

  3. Plugin - a high-level Node3D module for extending the 3d-core features. For example:

    import { init, addThreeHelpers } from '3d-core-raub';
    import { init as initQml } from '3d-qml-raub';
    const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
    const {
    	doc, Image: Img, gl, glfw,
    } = init({
    	isGles3: true, isWebGL2: true, mode: 'borderless',
    addThreeHelpers(three, gl);
    const {
    	QmlOverlay, Property, Method, View, loop, release, textureFromId,
    } = initQml({ doc, gl, cwd: __dirname, three });
  4. Other:

Contributing to Node3D

Bugs and enhancements are tracked as GitHub issues. You can also create an issue on a specific repository of Node3D.


  • Use a clear and descriptive title.
  • Describe the desired enhancement / problem.
  • Provide examples to demonstrate the issue.
  • If the problem involves a crash, provide its trace log.

Pull Requests

  • Do not include issue numbers in the PR title.
  • Commits use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature").
  • Commits use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...").
  • File System
    • Only lowercase in file/directory names.
    • Words are separated with dashes.
    • If there is an empty directory to be kept, place an empty .keep file inside.
    • Use SemVer versioning pattern.


Node3D can be used commercially. You don't have to pay for Node3D or any of its third-party libraries.

Node3D modules have their own code licensed under MIT, meaning "I've just put it here, do what you want, have fun". Some modules have separately licensed third-party software in them. For instance, deps-freeimage-raub carries the FreeImage binaries and headers, and those are the property of their respective owners, and are licensed under FIPL terms (but free to use anyway).

All such cases are explained in per project in question.