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- This project is outdated. Feel free to use, but don't expect any further updates.


Welcome to the sfserialization library and code generator.
Released unter LGPL (See COPYING file).

The aim of this library is to provide an easy way to serialize and deserialize 
C++ objects into the JSON-Format. Also, the embedded program "sfautoreflect" 
can create the markup which is necessary to serialize/deserialize objects 
automatically by parsing the C++-Header file and integrating seamlessly into
standard C++ tool chains.

The library is part of the not-yet-released Schneeflocke project, thats why 
you will find all classes in the sf:: - Namespace.

1. Serialization and Deserialization

Suppose you want to serialize or deserialize an Object Foo then you may add 
serialize/deserialize methods for it like this:

#include <sfserialization/Serialization.h>
#include <sfserialization/Deserialization.h> 

struct Foo {
	int myInt; 
	std::string myString; 
	void serialize (sf::Serialization & s) const {
		s ("myInt", myInt);
		s ("myString", myString);
	bool deserialize (const sf::Deserialization & d) {
		bool suc = true;
		suc = d ("myInt", myInt) && suc;
		suc = d ("myString", myString) && suc;
		return suc;

Afterwards you can serialize/deserialize the object with

  Foo foo;
  std::cout << sf::toJSON (foo) << std::endl;
and deserialize it with

  bool success = sf::fromJSON ("{\"myInt\":2, \"myFloat\":3.14159}", foo);

The whole sample can be found in testcases/sample.cpp

2. Code Generation

sfautoreflect is a code generator and part of this project. I wrote it to automatically
generate the serialize/deserialize methods for data structures, but it can also create 
toString/fromString methods for Enums. During the build process some files of the testcases
get "reflected" by autoreflect, so if you are able to build this project you also
used sfautoreflect already.

2.1. Generation of Serializer/Deserializer methods

The code generation process works as following:
* Mark Structures/Classes which shall have a serializer/deserializer functionality with
* This SF_AUTOREFLECT_SD - Macro automatically reduces to the method declaration of the serialize
  / deserialize method
* Generate the Cpp-File with the method definition using
  sfautoreflect SOURCE_FILE -o DESTFILE.cpp
It wil automatically scan the header files for marked classes and creates the serialization code
for all member variables. 

2.2. Generation of toString/fromString methods for ENUMs
* Mark Enums with SF_AUTOREFLECT_ENUM (EnumName). Keep care, that you have to put the Macro inside a
suitable namespace, but not inside a class (because otherwise koenig-lookups don't work).
* Let autoreflect generate the Cpp-Code like above.


enum MyEnum { Hello, World };

// Macro will reduce to 
// const char* toString(MyEnum e); 
// bool fromString (const char * s, MyEnum & e);

std::cout << "ToString: " << toString (Hello) << " " << toString (World) << std::endl; 

2.3. Integrating into build chain:
In Cmake it is easy to integrate sfautoreflect into the build chain; see the CMakeLists inside
the testcases folder. It shall be possible for other build systems too.

3. Building & Usage
sfserialization is build using cmake and depends to boost (for some template checks). 
It is tested to work on modern GCC and MS Visual Studio installations.

In Unix:

 mkdir Build-Directory
 cmake ../path/to/source/folder -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/
 make install # maybe as root

Then you will find the headers in /usr/local/include, the sfautoreflect command in /usr/local/bin
and a static library in /usr/local/lib.

In order to build a release version, call cmake with the -DBUILD_TYPE=RELEASE parameter.

In Windows:
You can create Visual Studio Project files using CMake for windows. Don't forget to install
boost-C++ libraries before that. I recommend the ones from BoostPro (

If I accidently broke the windows version let me know, I seldomly develop in Windows.

4. Contact
Feel free to contact me if you like the software, have a problem or want to suggest something :)

Norbert Schultz


Automated C++ JSON Serializer, Deserializer and Code generator







No packages published
