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//////////////WORK IN PROGRESS

Autonomous Generative Spirit Summary

Week 1: Supervised ML using real-time interactive tools 

Types of supervised ML that we discussed

Classification, Regression and Dynamic Time Wrapping


Wekinator (middle-man), Processing, Ofx, ml5js

General Outline

  • Introduction to Machine Learning + projects from Andreas and Gene
  • Sending and receiving OSC messages via Wekinator using Processing and Openframeworks 
  • Make something into Wekinator input/output
  • Controlling Wekinator via OSC
  • Wekinator with other softwares (Ableton, Touch Designer, Unity…)

What I made

1. Study with me:
  • Tools: Processing (video-100-inputs) > Wekinator > Processing
  • What: Play video of someone studying and nag my sister everytime she gets distracted/looks away from her notebooks
  • How: Train Processing video-100-inputs to classify between class 1 (person looking down in front of the camera) and class 2 (person looking away). Then the OSC messages containing the class to Wekinator. Output Processing sketch receives the class and play audio files everytime the class switches from 1 to 2.
2. Neck stretcher:
  • Tools: Processing (openCV) + Shader
  • What: Use openCV library to detect the position of human face, then stretch the part below it (neck) using custom shader. Andreas helped with the Processing sketch, Meredith helped writing the shader. I barely did anything lol.
3. Audio reactive water:
  • Tools: Processing (sound-14-inputs) > Wekinator > Processing
  • What: Audio reactive wacter ripples, the more vibrant the environment, the more extreme the water vibrates, hence creating the ripples effect.
  • How: Train Processing sound-14-inputs to give regression value (0.0 silent, 1.0 loud), then via Wekinator send the value to the Processing water sketch.
4. Mole reader:
  • Tools: ml5js (facetracker-knn)
  • What: Tell you the meaning behind your facial moles (in browser)
  • How: Use Facetracker-knn to track and put text on certain points on your face to represent where the moles are. Train the model to recognise between class 1 and class 2. Class 1, meanings of moles are all neutral. Class 2, when a person smile, all the meanings become positive.


Week 2+3: Generative models and generative art

Paperspace workflow

  1. Create new machine ML-in-a-box template (Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.04), P4000, public IP address
  2. Go into terminal of your Paperspace computer (password is sent to your email)
  3. To change password sudo passwd paperspace
  4. To launch jupyter lab --no-browser 
  5. In your local terminal ssh -NL 8157:localhost:8888 paperspace@PAPERSPACE_COMPUTER_IP_ADDRESS

If it doesn't connect, try changing 8888 to 8889 or switching to another wifi network

  1. Then go to your browser https://localhost:8157, and copy and paste the token given to you in the Paperspace terminal 

How to background a process

So the training process can run without having Jupyter or Terminal open. Paperspace computer still has to be on.

  1. Create a text file containing that command you want to run, rename that file to
  2. Go to the folder containing that file then run the following nohup sh > log.txt &
  3. The process will begin running, and it will continuously log its output to the file log.txt. You can come back to that folder and check on it later.
  4. To force kill a process, go to Home, check nvidia-smi, find the process ID then kill PROCESS_ID


Prepare dataset

Find ways to scrape lots of images, ideally anything from 1k to 10k+

Example command for using Wikiart (scrape then resize to 128x128)

python --style op-art --output_dir ../data
python --input_dir ../data/op-art --output_dir ../data/op-art_128 --frac 0.75 --w 128 --h 128 --augment --num_augment 1

Note: For some reasons all images have to be in the folder images inside op-art_128. Do so using this command mv *.jpg images/

Download the repository

git clone


python --dataset images --data_dir FOLDER_CONTAIN_IMAGES_FOLDER --input_height 128 --output_height 128 --epoch 1000 --train

Warning: If your dataset is small (e.g. 2000 images), it will try to overfit, resulting in the output images looking similar to each other. I trained 1700 Ukiyo-e from Wikiart with 2000 epoch, things looked best at 500th epoch and just got worse from there!


python --dataset images --data_dir FOLDER_CONTAIN_IMAGES_FOLDER --input_height 128 --output_height 128

Note: If connection is lost, the training can still be resumed as "checkout" is saved frequently during the training process. Just execute the same command again.


Prepare dataset

Gather as much input data as you can for training. The more the better. Prepare input.txt file containing all your training data. Minimum 1MB to 25MB+

Setup ml5 environment

Follow the instruction here.

Once everything is set up, go to directory etc../miniconda3/bin then execute source activate ml5 to activate the environment. You should see (ml5) prepended before your terminal prompt.

Download the repository

git clone
cd training-lstm

Note: I've trained both on my computer following the Ml5 LSTM training instrucstion and on Paperspace computer using Sherjil Ozair's version of char-rnn code.


Create a new folder in the root of this project and inside that folder you should have one file called input.txt.

A quick tip to concatenate many small disparate .txt files into one large training file ls *.txt | xargs -L 1 cat >> input.txt

Start training using the following command

python --data_dir=./FOLDER_CONTAINS__INPUTTXT

This are the hyperparameters you can change to fit your data. More info here

python --data_dir=./bronte \
--rnn_size 128 \
--num_layers 2 \
--seq_length 50 \
--batch_size 50 \
--num_epochs 50 \
--save_checkpoints ./checkpoints \
--save_model ./models


Once the model is ready, point to it in your ml5 sketch:

const lstm = new ml5.LSTMGenerator('./models/your_new_model');



Follow the instruction here to install Torch and dependencies

luarocks install torch
luarocks install nn
luarocks install image
luarocks install lua-cjson
luarocks install
luarocks install
luarocks install cutorch
luarocks install cunn
luarocks install cudnn

Note: Install cudnn from here

Download pretrained model

sh scripts/

Troubleshooting: Open and place ... after wget

Run new images

Put images in a folder inside imgs folder

th run_model.lua -input_dir imgs/FOLDER_NAME

This command will write results into the folder vis/data. Download vis folder and start a local HTTP server python -m http.server to see the results.

What I made

  • DCGan: Ukiyo-e
  • DCGan: Concretism
  • Pix2pix: Rachel Uwa
  • Pix2pix: Kevin Hart
  • Char-rnn: Southpark script
  • Char-rnn: Beauy product reviews
  • Image t-SNE: People with my name
  • Audio t-SNE: Environmetal sounds
  • Densecap: Police officers posing with cannabis plants
  • Pose2pose: 70s fashion shopping
  • Pose2pose: The Sims character walking
  • Pose2pose: Björk

List of tools

1. Deep learning tools

  • Neural-style image-to-image (transfer style)
  • Fast-style-transfer image-to-image
  • Pix2pix image-to-image (anything)
  • Char-rnn generate text in style (from prime)
  • Detectron image-to-segments
  • AttnGAN text-to-image
  • Im2txt image-to-text
  • Densecap image-to-text (captions)
  • Yolo image-to-text (objects)
  • PoseNet/Densepose image-to-person
  • DeepSpeech speech-to-text
  • Doc2vec paragraph-to-vector
  • Wavenet / SampleRNN make sounds (need to train your own)

2. Interactive ML tools

  • Ml5 real-time image classifier
  • Ml5 real-time image slider (regression)
  • Ml5 PoseNet
  • Sensors(Kinect/Leap/Arduino/etc)/Processing/Max/oF/etc <- Wekinator -> Processing/Max/oF/etc

3. DataViz ML tools

  • Image t-SNE + reverse image search
  • Audio t-SNE
  • Text t-SNE

4. Others