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Automatic CHARMM-GUI browser interaction with Python


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About This Repository

This repository demonstrates how to automate browser interactions for the most commonly-used CHARMM-GUI modules. It is designed primarily for testing CHARMM-GUI functionality. It is also possible to create and run custom jobs with Auto CGUI in parallel, but you will notice that the browser sessions managed through Splinter/Selenium require large amounts of memory, limiting the effectiveness of parallelism. The UI is also geared more toward reproducibility than ease of use. Generally, if you have <100 models to generate, you are better off creating them manually.

Via the --interact or -i CLI option, Auto CGUI also allows interaction with browsers as though they had been run through python -i. If -e is included (e.g., -ie), this interaction is set to run only when Auto CGUI encounters an error.

Please note that the CHARMM-GUI servers have a finite capacity for simultaneous workloads. Please be considerate to other users and do not run more than 4 jobs simultaneously.


Configuration: Regular CHARMM-GUI users

Create config.yml at the root of the Auto CGUI project, and add the following settings:

CGUSER: your cgui email goes here
CGPASS: your plain text password goes here

The allowed browser types are firefox and chrome. Make sure to use your actual username and password. The full set of options regular users might want to know:

  • BASE_URL: location of CHARMM-GUI, this should always be, including the trailing slash (/).
  • CGUSER: your CHARMM-GUI username/email
  • CGPASS: your CHARMM-GUI password (do not send this to anyone)
  • BROWSER_TYPE: either firefox or chrome
  • MODULE: default value of -m if not given on CLI. See output of ./ -h for more info.

Configuration: CHARMM-GUI Developers ONLY

Create config.yml at the root of the Auto CGUI project, and add the following settings if you want to test your local copy of the CHARMM-GUI source code:

BASE_URL: http://localhost:8888/
WWW_DIR: /path/to/your/data/www/
CGUSER: your cgui email goes here (if you configured AUTH, else omit)
CGPASS: your cgui password goes here (if you configured AUTH, else omit)
BROWSER_TYPE: either firefox or chrome
MODULE: see modules.yml for possible values

Note that WWW_DIR is optional and (if given) should contain the path to data/www/.

To instead test beta CHARMM-GUI functions, use this template:

USER: beta access username (NOT your email)
PASS: beta access password
CGUSER: your cgui email goes here
CGPASS: your cgui password goes here
BROWSER_TYPE: either firefox or chrome
MODULE: see modules.yml for possible values


To run the testing program, execute: $ ./ [opts] From the main project directory. Use the -h option to see a list of possible options.

Writing Tests

See examples in test_cases. To develop test cases for a module already covered by Auto CGUI, see examples in that module's subdirectory in test_cases. Some guidelines follow.

Test Case Directory Organization

Each subdirectory of test_cases is the short name for a CHARMM-GUI module (lower case). To see the correspondence between short and long module names, see modules.yml.

Within each subdirectory, the following filenames are reserved:

  • basic.yml: if it exists, it contains the default tests to run if -t is not provided on the command-line.
  • minimal.yml, standard.yml, and extensive.yml: these are shortcuts that contain a list of test case files to combine into one larger test.
  • This controls the behavior of some settings in test case files.
  • A .yml file with the same name as its containing directory: Tests in this directory automatically inherit from this file (unless a different parent is specified in the test case; see Test Case Options below for more detail). E.g.:
    • test_cases/pdb/pdb.yml
    • test_cases/mca/mca.yml
    • test_cases/bilayer/bilayer.yml
  • Any other file is either a file containing test cases OR an alternate parent file from which test cases can inherit options.

Test Case Files

Test cases are contained in YAML files as a list-of-dicts.

Each of the keys below are required in all tests. By default, all except label are inherited from the module's parent settings file (e.g., test_cases/solution/solution.yml). In general, these keys are required, although most of them will be set in the default parent file:

  • label: Unique name to use for the test in logs
  • base: Directory containing files to upload, which may be referenced by other options.
  • dict: File containing shortcut options. All modules use as the default, but you can override it via this option.
  • steps: The general flow of the CGUI module. For more detail, see Test Case Options. Do not override this unless you know what you are doing.

For a typical example of a test case file, see test_cases/solution/explicit.yml, reprinted below:

- label: 1UBQ with two staples in solution with explicit size
    - RMETA3 PROA 1 PROA 3
    - META5 PROA 25 PROA 29
  pdb: 1ubq.pdb
  input: openmm
  hmr: True
  size_option: explicit
  X: 50
  Y: 60
  Z: 70
- label: 186L modified with explicit size
  pdb: 186l_modified.charmm
  ligand: ligands/basic
    - HETA
    - HETB
    - HETC
    - HETD
    - WATA
    - CLA CLA
    - HED charmm
    - LIG ctop_upload
  X: 50
  Y: 60
  Z: 70
- label: 2OI0_modified parameterized with explicit size
  pdb: 2oi0_modified.pdb
  ligand: ligands/basic
    - HETA
    - LIG param
  X: 50
  Y: 60
  Z: 70

Three test cases are shown above, designated by the YAML list item token (-). Options can be specified in any order within the list item, but for readability, please ensure label is the first option. For an explanation of the options used in this test, see Solution Tests.

Test Case Options: General

As stated above, these keys are required in all test cases:

  • label: Unique name to use for the test in logs
  • base: Directory containing files to upload, which may be referenced by other options.
  • dict: File containing shortcut options. All modules use as the default, but you can override it via this option.
  • steps: The general flow of the CGUI module.


This label is used to identify a test case whenever writing to the console or log files.


Directory, relative to root of Auto CGUI, containing any files referenced by test cases. E.g., test_cases/solution/explicit.yml references three files located in pdb/basic:

  pdb: 1ubq.pdb
  pdb: 186l_modified.charmm
  pdb: 2oi0_modified.pdb


Name of file containing shortcut options, which is always in the Auto CGUI's default tests.

Each Auto CGUI module's file is organized as a dict-of-dicts. E.g., the top of test_cases/solution/ includes these shortcut options:

  step: 2
    - set_xyz()
  step: 2
    - fitedge: edge

In each case, the outer dict key (X, edge) is the name of the option, as it will appear in test cases. step is the (1-indexed) step number in which the expanded setting should be inserted. The expanded settings may include any combination of presteps, elems, and poststeps (see steps below). For X, this setting:

  step: 2
    - set_xyz()

causes the Python function call solution_browser_process.set_xyz() to be appended to the presteps array in STEP 2.

In presteps, elems, and poststeps settings, a value (but not a key) with the same name as the option causes the value in a test case to replace that value in the test case. E.g., if a Solution Builder test case looks like this:

- label: example test case
  pdb: 1ubq
  edge: 15

Then the edge shortcut in test_cases/solution/ causes a list item containing fitedge: 15 to be inserted in the elems array in STEP 2.


The steps setting is a list-of-dicts that defines the sequence of clicks, form entries, and Python function calls needed to progress through a CHARMM-GUI module. Generally, only CHARMM-GUI developers should encounter situations where they need to modify this value.

Except for the special module item, each entry in steps should contain these keys:


Default: elems: []

A list of form entries of the form element_name: value. To check an element's name, first ensure you have your browser's web developer tools enabled, then right-click that element and click "Inspect". This shows you the form element's HTML. If the element contains an attribute like name="element_name", then whatever name is in quotes can be autofilled by including a corresponding entry in elems. If the element only has an id attribute (or worse, has neither a name nor id attribute), then some other method is required to set it. In most cases, this is handled by a shortcut option in

To use an example from Test Case Options: dict, this value for elems:

    - fitedge: 15
    - other_option: other_value

Causes an element with the attribute name="fitedge" to be filled with the value 15 and another element named other_option to be filled with the text other_value.


Default: presteps: []

A list of Python function calls to run before any elements from elems are updated. Possible function names are checked in this order:

  • The special INTERACT option resolves to cgui_browser_process.interact(). Only include this if you also pass -i to
  • If the function exists in the Python class corresponding to the test being run, then self. is prepended to the function call.
  • Any other function is assumed to be accessible from the global namespace.

Default: poststeps: []

A list of Python function calls to run after any elements from elems are updated. The same name resolution order is followed as in presteps.


Because Splinter and Selenium give control over a browser potentially before a web page has finished loading, each browser process must have a way to determine when a step has loaded sufficiently to start manipulating the page. In Auto CGUI, this is done by waiting for a given piece of text to appear on the page. This wait_text is case-sensitive and should be unique from any previous or later step, otherwise the browser process may incorrectly determine that the page has finished loading. The text should also be guaranteed to appear on a loaded page, otherwise the browser process will hang looking for nonexistent text.

In all cases, the text 'CHARMM was terminated abnormally.', and certain PHP messages are searched for, regardless of the value of wait_text.


This special option indicates that another Python module should take over interpretation of commands. E.g., most Solution Builder jobs start with 3 pages of PDB Reader & Manipulator pages, followed by 2 pages of Solution Builder, followed by 2 pages of input generator (where the last page has no options). To reduce the need to re-specify workflow of other modules, this option can be used.

Example usage from test_cases/solution/solution.yml:

  - module:
      name: pdb
      stop: -1
[...other steps...]
  - module:
      name: input

And from test_cases/glycan/glycan_only.yml:

  - module:
      name: solution
      start: 1

The three possible options to module are:

  • name: the directory name in test_cases of the other module to switch to
  • start: 0-based index of the step (in steps) to begin (default: 0)
  • stop: 0-based index of the step on which to stop using this module (default: final step + 1)

The steps from the other module are selected via a Python slice() from start to stop.