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API wrapper for Youtube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos


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Video Worker


API wrapper for Youtube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos

Table of Contents

Import VideoWorker

Use one of the following examples to import script.


We provide a version of VideoWorker built as ESM (video-worker.esm.js and video-worker.esm.min.js) which allows you to use VideoWorker as a module in your browser, if your targeted browsers support it.

<script type="module">
  import VideoWorker from "video-worker.esm.min.js";


<script type="module">
  import VideoWorker from "";


VideoWorker may be also used in a traditional way by including script in HTML and using library by accessing window.VideoWorker.

<script src="video-worker.min.js"></script>


<script src=""></script>

CJS (Bundlers like Webpack)

Install VideoWorker as a Node.js module using npm

npm install video-worker

Import VideoWorker by adding this line to your app's entry point (usually index.js or app.js):

import VideoWorker from 'video-worker';

Use VideoWorker

import VideoWorker from 'video-worker';

const videoObject = new VideoWorker('');

if (videoObject.isValid()) {
  // retrieve iframe/video dom element.
  videoObject.getVideo((video) => {
    const $parent = video.parentNode;

    // insert video in the body.

    // remove temporary parent video element (created by VideoWorker).

Video URLs examples:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Self Hosted mp4:./self-hosted-video.mp4,webm:./self-hosted-video.webm,ogv:./self-hosted-video.ogv

Note: for self-hosted videos required only 1 video type, not necessary use all mp4, webm and ogv. This need only for maximum compatibility with all browsers.


Name Type Default Description
autoplay bool false Video autoplay.
loop bool false Video playing loop.
showControls bool true Video controls.
accessibilityHidden bool false Add accessibility attributes for videos used on backgrounds.
mute bool false Mute sound.
volume int 100 Volume level from 0 to 100.
startTime float 0 Start time in seconds when video will be started (this value will be applied also after loop).
endTime float 0 End time in seconds when video will be ended.


new VideoWorker('<URL_TO_YOUR_VIDEO>', {
  autoplay: true,
  loop: true,
  startTime: 10,


Name Parameters Description
ready event Fires only once, when the video is ready to play.
volumechange event Fires when video volume changed.
timeupdate event Fires when video current time changed.
started event Fires only once, when the video is started playing.
play event Fires on video play start.
pause event Fires on video paused.
ended event Fires on video ended.
error error Fires on video error


videoObject.on('ready', (event) => {
  console.log('video ready', event);


Name Result Description
isValid bool Check if the video is successfully determined and ready to use.
play - Play video.
pause - Pause video.
mute - Mute sound.
unmute - Unmute sound.
getMuted int Get mute state. videoObject.getMuted((muted) => { ... })
setVolume - Set volume level (takes integer value from 0 to 100). videoObject.setVolume(40);
getVolume int Get volume level. videoObject.getVolume((volume) => { ... })
setCurrentTime - Set current time in seconds. videoObject.setCurrentTime(40);
getCurrentTime int Get current time in seconds. videoObject.getCurrentTime((currentTime) => { ... })
getImageURL string Retrieves Youtube/Vimeo video poster image URL. videoObject.getImageURL((url) => { ... })
getVideo dom Retrieves iframe/video dom element. videoObject.getVideo((video) => { ... })



Video Providers

By default VideoWorker provides support for Youtube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos. There is a possibility to extend providers list and add support for different platform.


VideoWorker.providers.MyVideoProvider = class MyVideoProvider extends VideoWorker.BaseClass {
  type = 'my-video-provider';

All available methods for custom provider class you can find in existing providers -

For Developers


  • Run npm install in the command line. Or if you need to update some dependencies, run npm update


  • npm run build to run build


  • npm run js-lint to show eslint errors
  • npm run js-lint-fix to automatically fix some of the eslint errors