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This repository contains code for my personal website and blog.


Install Hugo. The current repo has been tested with Hugo v0.15. You will also need to install the following dependencies:

  • pygments -- For code blocks to syntax highlight correctly.
  • gulp -- For CSS/Javascript minification.

To build locally, run the bash script, or the following command

$ hugo server --theme=skeleton --buildDrafts --watch

Then open a browser and visit http://localhost:1313 to see the site.


  • After making changes to any CSS/Javascript files, you'll need to run gulp in the /themes/skeleton directory for minimization.
  • To minify all images, run gulp in the /static directory. This will replace all images by their minified versions.
  • Custom fonts from Fontello are used on the site. Instructions for making changes to those are in the README in the theme directory.