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About project:

Every year, American high school students take SATs, which are standardized tests intended to measure literacy, numeracy, and writing skills. There are three sections - reading, math, and writing, each with a maximum score of 800 points. These tests are extremely important for students and colleges, as they play a pivotal role in the admissions process.

Problem statement:

1) Which are the best maths school?

2) Which are the top 10 schools in NYC?

3) Which NYC borough has the highest standard deviation for total_SAT?

Answering these questions is is important to a variety of stakeholders, including policy and education professionals, researchers, government, and even parents considering which school their children should attend.

The project FIle:

following is the Jupiter notebook where the solution has been coded.


This dataset consists of a row for every accredited high school in New York City with its department ID number, school name, borough, building code, street address, latitude/longitude coordinates, phone number, start and end times, student enrollment with race breakdown, and average scores on each SAT test section for the 2014-2015 school year.


Considering the problem statements, lot of data originally available in the dataset does not make sence with regards to what has to be found. So, to make it reliable it has been cleaned and attached below.


The high school data was compiled and published by the New York City Department of Education, and the SAT score averages and testing rates were provided by the College Board.


Project source: Datacamp

This project was a guided project which is a part of a part of the Python course track I followed.

Data source: Kaggle:

The data source has been imported from Kaggle.