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0.3.0 Release Notes

Brian Hanifin edited this page Aug 2, 2014 · 38 revisions

For a list a changes since 0.3.0 visit the new Project Releases page.

0.3.0 Released!

This version has seen a lot of upgrades. We want to get the out to you as quick as we can because some of them are very useful.

  • Integrated MMOL support!
  • Night Mode.
  • New toolbar to access above features.
  • Increased browser support.
  • Mobile Friendly User Interface.
  • Custom Title.
  • Stale Data indicators.



The new toolbar includes quick access buttons to:

  • Speaker Icon Tests your alarm volume and enables alarms on some mobile devices.
  • Double Down Arrow Icon Collapses the Toolbar to make your BG & time larger!
  • Gear Icon Opens the Settings Drawer.

MMOL/Metric Support

While the Nightscout 0.3.0 defaults to mg/dL, mmol/L can be enabled in your browser from the new settings drawer (click on the gear icon on the far right side of the toolbar). To get this much needed feature out to you as quickly as possible the setting is stored on your browser, so you will have to set your unit display preference on each browser you view the site with.

Night Mode

Night mode is easier on your eyes from bed. It dims the page from 10pm - 6am, and can be disabled from the new settings drawer.

Increased Browser Support

The latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer are now supported.

Mobile Friendly User Interface

Your BG number should be easier to see at a glance on smartphone screens. When the page is displayed on a phone while held vertically, the BG number and time information will collapse together. The BG number will be much larger, and while the time and last cgm connection info will be smaller, they will be visible right under the BG number.


Custom Title

You may customize the title of the page. This text will replace the "Nightscout" text in the toolbar and it will be appended to the page + browser tab title "Nightscout: {custom_title}".

Stale Data Indicatiors

When the data has not been updated in 10 minutes, the background of the "mins ago" field turns yellow. After 20 minutes, the background turns red and the BG number gets a line through it.


Settings Drawer


Advanced Parameters

Some features can be toggled by modifying the address of your site. Usage:

  • http://localhost:1337/?drawer=true
  • http://localhost:1337/?toolbar=false
  • http://localhost:1337/?mute=true&toolbar=false


  • drawer=true opens the drawer (use this to help your friends find the settings)
  • mute=true use this carefully as this will mute all alarms!!!
  • toolbar=false hides the toolbar

You can check out the detailed commits to the master branch of the project if you are hard core. 👍