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Simple LMS Web Application using Next, React, Stripe, Mux, Prisma, MySQL and more...

Website: using local

🤔 Why

This is project just for practice prisma and docker :D

🛠️ Config

Ok, to run this project you need config below. Because I'm so lazy to deploy .. How to get all the key values you just scrolldown you can see how to get :D

.env file template
  NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=pk_test_abcdefegh # replace with your key
  CLERK_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_abcdefeghjj # replace with your key

  # This was inserted by `prisma init`:
  # Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
  # See the documentation for more detail:

  # Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
  # See the documentation for all the connection string options:

  DATABASE_URL="mysql://admin:<your_mysql_password>@localhost:<your_port>/<your_db_name>?schema=public" # this will auto create for you when init prisma or you can custom like me :D

  # upload thing
  # visit:

  UPLOADTHING_SECRET=sk_live_abbbddssee # replace with your key
  UPLOADTHING_APP_ID=abcd123 # replace with your key


  STRIPE_API_KEY=sk_test_abcedefa # replace with your key
  STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET= whsec_abedaweb # replace with your key


  NEXT_PUBLIC_TEACHER_ID=user_abc123  # replace with your user id

🐣 How to run

Constructed utilizing NextAuth, Clerk, Mux, Uploadthing, and database hosted on Docker, you are advised to adhere to the ensuing procedures:

Step 1:

  • Go to ClerkJS documents to get the key for Auth config Visit now
  • Get ID of user by Copy button id whom you want to be a teacher so that user can access to teacher dashboard

alt text

Step 2: Go to Uploadthing to get the key for store the image, video and more Visit now

Step 3: Go to Mux Video to get the key for store video of coures.

  • Before you visit, you need to notice this. If you use Free plan this site will delete your videos after a week, so don't suprise why you lost your videos :))
  • Visit here

Step 4: Checkout

  • 🚫 Warning: You need to ensure to turn on test mode if you don't want lose your money :))
  • Visit here to get Api key

Step 5:

  • Open terminal type docker-compose up (you need ensure you are at docker\mysql to run it, by using cd)

Well done, enjoy my project ❤️‍🔥

⚖️ License

MIT. Made with 💖