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Dennis Terhorst edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 33 revisions


Developer Information

To contribute to NEST itself, have a look at the Getting Involved section of the documentation! Join the community and learn how to best contribute.


There is an open video call every two weeks where developers coordinate their work. The minutes of these meetings are collected on the page Open NEST Developer Video Conference.

Occasionally subgroups of developers gather for some days or a week of dedicated coding and issue-solving. These events are organized as hackathons. See the NEST hackathon page for more.

Issues and pull-requests

On Github we use an issue labeling scheme and Projects to sort and organize issues and pull-requests. You can create tailored view on both with the advanced search syntax and the filtering project boards.

New to NEST and want to contribute? Have a look at our good first issue label for issues that are suitable for beginners.

User contributed modules

The NEST simulator can be extended by external modules that are loaded at runtime. Some users share their work and you can use the additional functionality of these custom user contributed NEST-modules in your simulation. For comments and questions regarding the independently developed modules please contact the corresponding developers directly.

If you wrote an extension yourself and want us to link to your repository, just click the "manage topics" button under the title of your main repository page and add the topic nest-module.

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