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TIC-80 tiny computer 0.80.1344

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@nesbox nesbox released this 03 Sep 13:20
· 1493 commits to stable since this release

CHANGELOG v0.80.1344


First of all, I want to say THANKS to all the people who helped release this version, especially the contributors


The new version has a new UI made with the Sweetie16 palette designed by GrafxKid.

Code Editor

  1. added bookmarks support toggle [CTRL+F1], next [F1], prev [SHIFT+F1], remove all [CTRL+SHIFT+F1]
  2. added parentheses matching by @technomancy
  3. removed code banks and all the code limited by 64K of compressed data now
  4. added font shadow button
  5. removed dofile() function, but you can save cart in text format and edit in any editor you want, use save game.lua and folder to locate it

Sprite Editor

  1. changed default palette to Sweetie16 made by GrafxKid
  2. added the Advanced Mode button where you can edit sprite flags, scanline/overline palette, switch bits per pixel
  3. with 4bpp, 2bpp, 1bpp modes you can store more sprites by lowering the color bit (added by @ddelemeny). Please, read Advanced Drawing Techniques article and look at bpp.tic demo

Sfx Editor

  1. added stereo sound support, you can set the volume for left/right channels
  2. fully redesigned UI, I tried to fit all screens in one and added some wave animation

Music Editor

  1. added music effects support, you can change master volume, play a chord, jump to frame, pitch bend, vibrato, delay
  2. added new Piano Mode, where you can edit notes/octaves using mouse
  3. added waveform animation and follow mode


  1. added export sfx/music [index] command to export .wav
  2. export html creates .zip ready for production on with Web Assembly inside


  1. #1148 - pmem command with html exports?
  2. #1145 - found bug in 0.80.1278-dev
  3. #1140 - difference in sfx noise behaviour switching from 0.70.6 to 0.80-dev
  4. #1139 - surf does not show all games
  5. #1138 - surf loops around at end only
  6. #1136 - workaround to load code from multi bank carts
  7. #1135 - add menu command to show game menu console
  8. #1130 - saving to a cart extension that isn't .tic doesn't display the overwrite warning
  9. #1090 - music editor with piano roll editor: music
  10. #1089 - create a tool to compile text carts to .tic
  11. #1085 - suggestion: change show/hide grid key in map editor
  12. #1075 - paren matching in code editor
  13. #1071 - sprite editor select tool jumbles the selection content when moved
  14. #1054 - remove all the duk_is_null_or_undefined in jsapi.c
  15. #983 - (0.80.0-dev) some carts that poke to sound registers are broken
  16. #977 - (0.80.0-dev) jxy command in music editor can softlock tic-80
  17. #973 - (0.80.0-dev) add stereo panning registers to ram layout?
  18. #972 - sounds not playing in google chrome in exported game
  19. #962 - loading cartridges with active code banks broken
  20. #948 - update squirrel
  21. #940 - tic-80 surf: show the cover image resolution is 480x272 after tic-80 cover image is broken
  22. #938 - use curl instead sdl2-net
  23. #931 - [music tracker] can no longer change octave
  24. #917 - appveyor failing
  25. #909 - small font not working in "player" executable
  26. #902 - palette loading bug
  27. #896 - copy table data directly to ram using memcpy()
  28. #889 - restore keyconfig command
  29. #873 - it's time to change default palette
  30. #870 - deploy all the builds to
  31. #850 - pmem with saveid is broken at least in chrome
  32. #837 - program crashes after random interval (10 min), bringing down xwayland
  33. #816 - command+k clear console
  34. #815 - osx: "no mountable file systems"
  35. #810 - --input: [gamepad/mouse/keyboard] issue
  36. #807 - display in non-sokol build
  37. #785 - keyboard on android version
  38. #783 - get rid of max_carts const
  39. #782 - extract 16kb vram from 80kb ram
  40. #777 - emscripten build issues and build instructions
  41. #747 - keyboard layout broken again! (0.80.0-dev)
  42. #732 - stereo sound support
  43. #725 - sound and music exporter
  44. #693 - add ovr() palette to the sprite editor
  45. #668 - 0.70.1 pro on android: back button broken bug
  46. #657 - switching between apps turns tic-80's screen black on android
  47. #585 - divide by zero crashes tic80
  48. #557 - "wiki" command does nothing in web build
  49. #452 - start into surf mode.
  50. #435 - fold function in code editor
  51. #382 - music editor: sustaining notes through frames
  52. #320 - maybe move to cmake or something similar?
  53. #261 - implement effects column in the music editor


  1. @asiekierka #1122 - 3ds port
  2. @asiekierka #1120 - surf: add support for using left/right or page up/page down to scroll
  3. @asiekierka #1119 - minor rendering optimizations
  4. @RobLoach #1114 - display the stack when there is an error
  5. @RobLoach #1053 - fix font() breaking when retrieving arguments
  6. @RobLoach #1045 - add timestamp() function
  7. @RobLoach #1028 - split up 3rd-party submodule into individual vendor submodules
  8. @RobLoach #851 - update to duktape 2.3.0
  9. @ddelemeny #1105 - modify blit segment spec
  10. @ddelemeny #1099 - variable bit-per-pixel drawing api
  11. @ddelemeny #1097 - draw studio popup after everything else
  12. @ddelemeny #1095 - enable chromakey array on map and textri
  13. @ddelemeny #1094 - fix segmentation fault caused by findmatcheddelim unsafe null pointer
  14. @ddelemeny #1061 - sort points vertically in ticline
  15. @technomancy #1101 - allow "export html" to provide name non-interactively.
  16. @technomancy #1091 - wip: upgrade to fennel version 0.4
  17. @technomancy #1078 - accept and run commands from argv.
  18. @technomancy #840 - when -code-watch flag is passed, reload all the code upon resume.
  19. @anatolse #1066 - fixed some warnings from a static analyzer
  20. @stefandevai #1067 - update generated html
  21. @stefandevai #1064 - add sustain to notes and effects on frame change
  22. @stefandevai #1063 - follow cursor on music editor
  23. @gouchi #1048 - add libretro makefile
  24. @phcoder #1031 - make executable
  25. @phcoder #1030 - allow overriding cmake_position_independent_code from command line
  26. @phcoder #1024 - fix resulting name for libretro emscripten variant
  27. @michaeldel #1012 - fix sdl cursors memory leak
  28. @wadetb #975 - touch keyboard tweaks and fix
  29. @wadetb #974 - fix android black screen when paused
  30. @wadetb #968 - map view fixes when wrapping around the edge
  31. @wadetb #967 - misc code editor additions/fixes
  32. @farvardin #930 - adding extra keys for the trackers
  33. @buckle2000 #839 - add using and local as moonscript keywords
  34. @kawa-yoiko #826 - fix sokol build vertically flipped under linux
  35. @kawa-yoiko #821 - fix (and simplify) blurry sokol rendering
  36. @kawa-yoiko #820 - fix colour replacement misses borders
  37. @kawa-yoiko #819 - workaround for freeze on fullscreen under macos
  38. @cuu #813 - fix -fullscreen
  39. @GrahamClemo #759 - add squirrel language support to tic-80
  40. @rudenkoarts #744 - wren code outline
  41. @librorumque #739 - respect palette map for sprite colorkey
  42. @kostik1337 #733 - added single-param pmem function in wren api