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Neptune Experimental Package

This package consists of experimental features that are not yet ready for production use. The API is subject to change without notice.

Neptune Fetcher

Neptune Fetcher is a Python package designed for efficient fetching and manipulation of data from Neptune projects and runs. It provides classes and methods for interacting with Neptune data in a read-only manner.


pip install --upgrade neptune neptune-experimental



from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

Overview of Classes

  • ReadOnlyProject: A lightweight, read-only class for handling basic project information.

    • Constructor Parameters:
      • project: Optional string specifying the project name.
      • workspace: Optional string specifying the workspace.
      • api_token: Optional string for the API token.
      • proxies: Optional dictionary for proxy configuration.
    • Methods:
      • list_runs(): Yields dictionaries with basic information about each run, including sys/id and sys/name.
      • fetch_read_only_runs(with_ids: List[str]): Returns a generator for ReadOnlyRun instances for specified run IDs.
      • fetch_runs(): Fetches runs as a DataFrame with default columns.
      • fetch_runs_df(columns, with_ids, states, owners, tags, trashed): Fetches runs as a DataFrame based on specified filters.
  • ReadOnlyProject.ReadOnlyRun: Represents a single Neptune run with read-only access.

    • Methods:
      • __getitem__(item): Accesses a field by its path.
      • __delitem__(key): Removes a field from the local cache.
      • field_names: Yields the names of all available fields in the run.
      • prefetch(paths: List[str]): Loads values of specified fields into local cache.


Fetching Project Metadata

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject(workspace="some", project="project")

Listing Runs in a Project

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject(workspace="some", project="project")
ids = list(map(lambda row: row["sys/id"], project.list_runs()))

Filtering and Processing Runs

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject(workspace="some", project="project")
df = project.fetch_runs_df()

matches = df["sys/name"].str.match("metrics.*")
ids = df[matches]["sys/id"]

Iterating Over Runs

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject(workspace="some", project="project")
for run in project.fetch_read_only_runs(with_ids=["PROJ-2"]):
    for field in run.field_names:
        if field.startswith("param"):
        if field.startswith("metric"):

Prefetching Values

run.prefetch(["metric1", "metric2"])
print(run["metric1"].fetch(), run["metric2"].fetch())  # This will use the local cache

Purging Local Cache

del run["metric1"]


A full example can be found in examples/


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. For more details, see Apache License Version 2.0.