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Merge pull request #4993 from neos/interdimensionalRelativesForNodeMove
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Refactor MoveNode to a pure edge operation and add extensive test suite
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nezaniel committed Apr 30, 2024
2 parents b341813 + 77ffad4 commit 203fbe7
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Feature: Sibling positions are properly resolved

In the general DBAL adapter, hierarchy relations are sorted by an integer field. It defaults to a distance of 128,
which is reduced each time a node is inserted between two siblings. Once the number becomes uneven, the siblings positions are recalculated.
These are the test cases for this behavior.

Given using the following content dimensions:
| Identifier | Values | Generalizations |
| example | general, source, peer, spec | spec->source->general, peer->general |
And using the following node types:
'Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document': []
And using identifier "default", I define a content repository
And I am in content repository "default"
And the command CreateRootWorkspace is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| workspaceName | "live" |
| workspaceTitle | "Live" |
| workspaceDescription | "The live workspace" |
| newContentStreamId | "cs-identifier" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
And I am in the active content stream of workspace "live" and dimension space point {"example": "general"}
And the command CreateRootNodeAggregateWithNode is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-eleonode-rootford" |
| nodeTypeName | "Neos.ContentRepository:Root" |
And the following CreateNodeAggregateWithNode commands are executed:
| nodeAggregateId | nodeTypeName | parentNodeAggregateId | nodeName |
| sir-nodeward-nodington-iii | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | esquire |
| lady-nodette-nodington-i | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-i |
| lady-nodette-nodington-x | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-x |
| lady-nodette-nodington-ix | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-ix |
| lady-nodette-nodington-viii | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-viii |
| lady-nodette-nodington-vii | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-vii |
| lady-nodette-nodington-vi | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-vi |
| lady-nodette-nodington-v | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-v |
| lady-nodette-nodington-iv | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-iv |
| lady-nodette-nodington-iii | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-iii |
| lady-nodette-nodington-ii | Neos.ContentRepository.Testing:Document | lady-eleonode-rootford | nodington-ii |

Scenario: Trigger position update in DBAL graph
Given I am in the active content stream of workspace "live" and dimension space point {"example": "general"}
# distance i to x: 128
# distance ii to x: 64
When the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-ii" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance iii to x: 32
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-iii" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance iv to x: 16
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-iv" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance v to x: 8
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-v" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance vi to x: 4
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-vi" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance vii to x: 2
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-vii" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance viii to x: 1 -> reorder -> 128
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-viii" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date
# distance ix to x: 64 after reorder
And the command MoveNodeAggregate is executed with payload:
| Key | Value |
| nodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-ix" |
| newSucceedingSiblingNodeAggregateId | "lady-nodette-nodington-x" |
And the graph projection is fully up to date

Then I expect node aggregate identifier "lady-eleonode-rootford" to lead to node cs-identifier;lady-eleonode-rootford;{}
And I expect this node to have the following child nodes:
| Name | NodeDiscriminator |
| esquire | cs-identifier;sir-nodeward-nodington-iii;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-i | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-i;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-ii | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-ii;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-iii | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-iii;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-iv | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-iv;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-v | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-v;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-vi | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-vi;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-vii | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-vii;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-viii | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-viii;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-ix | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-ix;{"example": "general"} |
| nodington-x | cs-identifier;lady-nodette-nodington-x;{"example": "general"} |

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