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Spark Streaming Java Examples

This project is created to learn Apache Spark Streaming using Java. This project consists of the following examples:

  • Streaming from a socket.

Data Sets

  • Some random text.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a brief idea on setting up the environment and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Java
  • Apache Spark
  • Hadoop

Setup and running tests

  1. Run javac and java -version to check the installation

  2. Run spark-shell and check if Spark is installed properly.

  3. Go to Hadoop user (If installed on different user) and run the following (On Ubuntu Systems):

    sudo su hadoopuser

  4. Execute the following commands from terminal to run the tests:

    javac -classpath "Path to required jar files(spark, hadoop, scala)"

    java -classpath "Path to required jar files(spark, hadoop, scala)" Main

###Classes Please start exploring from

All classes in this project are listed below:

  • - To create SparkContext and StreamingContext. Contains the following methods:

    public JavaSparkContext context(String appName, String master) public JavaStreamingContext streaming(JavaSparkContext sparkContext, long seconds)

  • - Examples on Spark Streaming and using the data for Spark Transformations. Contains the following methods.

    public static void wordCount(JavaStreamingContext streamingContext, long timeout) public static void lineCount(JavaStreamingContext streamingContext, long timeout) public static void windowCount(JavaStreamingContext streamingContext, long timeout)

  • - Main class to test and run the classes in this project.