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@kelsos kelsos released this 15 Jun 09:48



  • Introduces state persistence for the cover caching mechanism to improve performance.


  • Adds a button in the control panel to allow for easy cache invalidation.

MusicBee Microsoft Store version

If you are using the Microsoft store version of MusicBee then you need to install the plugin using the zip file.

Go to MusicBee->Edit->Preferences and then locate the Plugins settings.
In the Plugins settings page, you will find a button Add Plugin. Locate the downloaded zip and open it through the selection dialog.

After selecting the zip you should be greeted with the MusicBee Remote plugin settings dialog.

Verify integrity

To verify the downloaded file integrity you need Windows PowerShell. After opening PowerShell go to your download folder.
Make sure you change the extension the file downloaded.

cd Downloads
Get-FileHash -Path .\musicbee_remote_1.4.0.exe -Algorithm SHA512

## This will give you an output that looks like the following:
Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path
---------       ----                                                                   ----

Ensure that the Hash there matches the one in the corresponding .sha512 file