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Useful Android functions/methods and extensions in Kotlin which help you avoid boilerplate code and develop your project quicker.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation



Useful Kotlin functions/methods and extensions for Android which help you develop quicker. Add this library to your project to avoid writing boilerplate code and focus on what you want to develop. More methods and extensions coming soon.

Used in

Add Dependencies

Add the following in your project level build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

and the following in your app level build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.muddassir235:kmacros:1.12'



Delay a block of code my a specified time in milliseconds.

delay(1000) {
    // Your block of code


Run a fault tolerant block of code safely, avoiding any exceptions.

safe {
    // Your block of code


Screen Width and Screen Height

The device's width and Height in physical pixels.

layoutParams.width = screenWidth
layoutParams.height = screenHeight


Start Activity

Convenient way of starting an activity from within a context.

startActivity<YourActivity>() // starts YourActivity
startActivityNoAnimation<YourActivity>() // starts YourActivity without any animations.

Show a Toast

Show a toast from within a context for a short or a long duration.

toast("Hello World!")
toastLong("Hello World!!!!!!")

Save to SharedPreferences

Save any boolean, int, long, float, string, or any array of (boolean, int, long, float, string) or any data object in SharedPreferences from within a Context.

save("mykey", true)                             // Boolean
save("mykey", 1)                                // Int
save("mykey", 1L)                               // Long
save("mykey", 1.0f)                             // Float
save("mykey", "My String")                      // String
save("mykey", anyDataObject)                    // Data Object
save("mykey", arrayOf(true, false))         // Arrays of all primitive types are supported
save("mykey", Array<AnyDataObject>)            // Any data object array can be saved.

Load from SharedPreferences

Load any saved boolean, int, long, float, string, or array of (boolean, int, long, float, string) or any data object from SharedPreferences within a Context.

val value = load<Boolean>("mykey")
val value = load<Int>("mykey")
val value = load<Long>("mykey")
val value = load<Float>("mykey")
val value = load<String>("mykey")
val value = load<MyDataObject>("mykey")
val value = load<Array<String>>("mykey")                   
val value = load<Array<MyDataObject>>("mykey")

Delete from SharedPreferences

Load any saved boolean, int, long, float, string, or array of (boolean, int, long, float, string), any data object from SharedPreferences within a Context.


Safe Save, Load and Delete

Safe versions of the above save and load functions which avoid/ignore any exceptions.

safeSave("mykey", myObject) // Does nothing if it fails
safeLoad<MyObject>("mykey") // Returns null in case any exception occurs
safeDelete<MyObject>("mykey") // Does nothing if it fails

Data Object To Json Encoded String

Convert a Kotlin Data Object to a Json encoded string and vice-versa. This can be useful in certain situations (e.g. Saving objects to SharedPreferences if required, Sending data over the network e.t.c)

val jsonString = objectToString(dataObject)
val originalObject = stringToObject(jsonString)

Create Intent

Create an intent of an Activity from within a context.

val intent = createIntent<YourActivity>() // Intent of YourActivity.

Broadcast Action

Broadcast an action from within a context which can be received by a BroadcastReceiver (Optional bundle of extras can be provided which will be received in the form of an intent by the BroadcastReceiver.)

broadcastAction("stop_download", bundleOfExtras) // Optinal bundle of extras 

Pending Intent With Action

Create a pending intent with the specified action from within a context.


Is Service Running

Check whether a service is running or not from within a context.

isServiceRunning( // returns true or false


Get an instant handle to the default SharedPreferences from within a context.



Mutable Width and Height

You don't have to get a reference to the layoutParams, adjust the width and height and reassign layout params, mutableWidth and mutableHeight will handle that for you.

myView.mutableWidth = 160.0f.px
myView.mutableHeight = 90.0f.px

Minimum Width and Minimum Height

You don't have to set both minimumWidth and minWidth for acheiving your desired behaviour (Textview and its decendants (Button e.t.c) require both of these to be set in order to apply a minimum width to the view which leads to ugly code), simply use minW

myTextView.minW = 16.0.px
myTextView.minH = 9.0.px


Display Pixels (dp) to Pixels (px)

Convert android display pixels to actual physical screen pixels

layoutParams.height = 20.0f.px

Pixels (px) to Display Pixels (dp)

Convert physical screen pixels to android display pixels

layoutParams.height = 100.dp

Long to Time String

Long number timestamp to time string (Supports upto Hours of granularity) HH:MM:SS

textview.text = 60000L.time // 01:00

Integer to Arabic Number String

Convert a Kotlin Integer to an arabic number String.

val arabic123 = 123.arabicNumber // ١٢٣


Set Nav Bar Color

Set the navigation bar color for when a dialog get displayed (Useful for top to bottom dialogs, BottomSheet Dialogs)



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