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Docker Glue

Automated unattended pluggable docker management based on docker events. Can be used to update load-balancers, DNS, service discovery, ...etc. Managing docker containers would be as simple as tagging them with some labels

Use Cases

  • Dynamically add/remove containers to/from load-balancer (currently haproxy using jinja2 templates)
  • can send traffic of a specific domain to corresponding containers based on Host HTTP header
  • can send traffic of a specific path prefix to corresponding containers
  • Replace docker0 bridge,docker-proxy, ...etc with more advanced SDN (like OVS or OpenStack Neutron).
  • Run a specific handler code (python plugins) or handler script based on docker events
  • publish containers inspection to discovery service (like etcd)


  • docker-glue the modular pluggable daemon that can run handlers and scripts
  • docker-balancer a standalone daemon that just updates haproxy (a special case of glue)

You can pass -1 to run once, and -w to wait for events, and -h for details.

Requirements and Installation

yum install haproxy python-docker-py python-jinja2
cp docker-balancer.service /etc/systemd/system/docker-balancer.service
cp docker-glue.service /etc/systemd/system/docker-glue.service

Using Docker Balancer

you can set labels like (replace 80 with any port):

  • glue_http_80_host the HTTP host to which this container would be attached in the load-balancer
  • glue_http_80_prefix the prefix (without leading /) to attach it to
  • glue_http_80_strip_prefix pass 1 if the prefix should be stripped before passing to backend
  • glue_http_80_weight the weight (defaults to 100)

let's assume that you have started docker-balancer -w or the docker-balancer service

docker run -d --name wp1 -l glue_http_80_host='' mywordpress/wordpress 
docker run -d --name wp2 -l glue_http_80_host='' mywordpress/wordpress 
docker run -d --name os-ui1 -l -l glue_http_80_prefix=dashboard/horizon myopenstack/horizon
docker run -d --name os-id1 -l -l glue_http_80_prefix=identity/keystone myopenstack/keystone

Using Docker Glue

in docker-glue.d you have many .example files copy the files you need to remove that extension, for example

cd docker-glue.d
cp lb.ini.example lb.ini
cp test.ini.example test.ini
cd ..

then start docker-glue daemon or run docker-glue -w

Handlers INI files

files in docker-glue.d/*.ini (we have included examples) looks like this


demo-option=some value

handler section specifies what and when to run

  • class the handler plugin, which can be one of
    • DockerGlue.handlers.exec.ScriptHandler executes a shell script
      • a demo script that logs the event to /tmp/docker-glue-test.log
      • connect the container to OpenVSwicth
    • load balancer that uses HAProxy
    • DockerGlue.handlers.publishers.distconfig.Publisher publish containers to discovery service like etcd
  • events the even statuses (comma separated) that triggers this handler, can be none (which is dummy event) or all (which does not include none)
  • enabled
  • triggers-none - set it if you want this handler to triggers none dummy event

params section is custom params to be passed to the handler

Writing script plugins

scripts in handler-scripts will be passed the ini path and docker event and the docker container id for example it might be like this test.ini start 123456

the code of look like this

#! /bin/bash

cd `dirname $0`

function error() {
    echo "$@"
    exit -1

[ $# -ne 3 ] && error "Usage `basename $0` config.ini status container_id"
ini_demo_option=$( crudini --inplace --get $ini params demo-option 2>/dev/null || : )
echo "`date +%F` container_id=[$container_id] status=[$status] ini_demo_option=[$ini_demo_option]" >> /tmp/docker-glue-test.log

as you can see you can read options using crudini from the passed ini file.

Writing python plugins

just extend BaseHandler and in the __init__ do what ever you need, and read your custom params from the ini and implement a handle method like this

from . import BaseHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DemoHandler(BaseHandler):
    def __init__(self, agent, ini_file, ini):
        BaseHandler.__init__(self, agent, ini_file, ini)
        self.custom_param=ini.get('params', 'custom_param') if ini.has_option('params', 'custom_param') else None
    def handle(self, event, container_id):'got event=%r on container=%r and custom_param=%r', event, container_id, self.custom_param)


  • implement TCP/UDP load balancing using ipvsadm or keepalived


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