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Folders and files

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Build Status License: GPL v3



  • goals of this workshop
    • introduction to purely functional effectful streams
    • @newtype: zero-cost wrappers
    • refined types: compile and runtime type validation
  • workshop task: implement PurchaseRepository and integrate with file.csv
    • answer: PurchaseFileRepository



  • Stream[F,O] represents a stream of O values which may request evaluation of F effects
    • F - the effect type
    • O - the output type
    • example: an effectful stream may produce data of type: O by reading it from a network socket: IO
  • example
    object Main extends scala.App {
      val stream: fs2.Stream[cats.effect.IO, Int] = fs2.Stream.eval {
        cats.effect.IO { println("BEING RUN!!"); 1 + 1 }
      val asEffect: Stream.CompileOps[cats.effect.IO, cats.effect.IO, Int] = stream.compile
      val resultWithEffect: cats.effect.IO[List[Int]] = asEffect.toList // retain elements into list
      val onlyEffect: effect.IO[Unit] = asEffect.drain // remove all elements from the stream
      val result: List[Int] = resultWithEffect.unsafeRunSync()
      val unit: Unit = onlyEffect.unsafeRunSync()
  • effectful streams need to be compiled to the effect
    • compile is just a namespace for methods
      • fold is accessible on the stream itself, but return a stream - not an effect
      • drain: IO[Unit] // remove all elements from the stream
        • similar to: fold((), (acc, o) => acc)
        • motivation for the program is to only execute their effects
          • outputs are meaningless
        • vs directly on the stream: Stream.sleep(1.seconds).drain // Stream[IO, Nothing] - stream doesn't emit anything
  • errors
    • stream can raise errors
      • explicitly: Stream.raiseError
      • implicitly: via an exception in pure code or inside an effect
    • handleErrorWith method lets us catch errors
      • the stream will be terminated after the error and no more values will be pulled
  • evalMap vs map
    • evalMap = alias for flatMap(o => Stream.eval(f(o)))
    • map - should not perform side effects
  • streams move chunks
    • chunk is immutable, finite sequence that supports efficient index-based random access of elements
    • why to not use Vector instead?
      • Chunk[Byte] heap size is similar to Array[Byte], Vector[Byte] is much bigger
        • Vector[Byte] heap size > 4x Array[Byte] heap size
        • cost of boxing/unboxing is too high to use vector
      • and we want to avoid unnecessary copying
        • example: io file/sockets - reuse existing buffers
          def byteBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): Chunk[Byte] = new:
              private val b = buffer.duplicate().asReadOnlyBuffer // readonly view
              def size = b.remaining
              def apply(idx: Int) = b.get(b.position + idx)
      • Chunk is just a thin wrapper on top of Array


  • value classes context
    • example: case class Username(val value: String) extends AnyVal
    • extend the AnyVal to avoid some runtime costs
    • problem with validation
      • suppose we want Username to be non-empty string
      • solution: make constructors private and only expose smart constructors
      • example
        def mkUsername(value: String): Option[Username] =
      • but case classes have copy method, so we can bypass validation
        • example: username.copy(value = "")
      • solution: sealed abstract case class Username(value: String)
  • conclusion: avoid sealed abstract, use the Newtype library
    • example: @newtype case class Username(value: String)
  • @newtype gives us zero-cost wrappers with no runtime overhead
    • uses macros so we need an extra compiler flag -Ymacro-annotations
  • remark: @newtype do not solve validation; they are just zero-cost wrappers
    • we need refined types - discussed in the next chapter
  • haskell digression
    • problem
      type Name = (String,String) // type synonym
      names :: [Name] // list definition
      names = [ ("Emil","Cioran"), ("Eugene","Thacker"), ("Friedrich","Nietzsche") ]
      • attempt to implement Ord for a type synonym produces compile time error
        instance Ord Name where
                  compare (f1,l1) (f2,l2) = compare (l1,f1) (l2,f2)
        • to Haskell, Name is identical to (String, String) and Haskell already knows how to sort tuples
    • solution: you need create a new data type
      data Name = Name (String, String)
      instance Ord Name where
                 compare (Name (f1,l1)) (Name (f2,l2)) = compare (l1,f1) (l2,f2)
    • but we want only type synonym, but with custom instances of a type classes
      • Haskell has a preferred method of doing this: using the newtype keyword
        newtype Name = Name (String, String)
      • types defined with newtype can have only one type constructor and one type
        • new type and the type of the field are in direct correspondence
          • in mathematical terms: are isomorphic
        • after the type is checked at compile time, at run time the two types can be treated essentially the same
          • without the overhead or indirection normally associated with a data constructor
      • data context
        • everything you define with newtype, you can also define using data
          • opposite isn’t true

refined types

  • refinement types allow us to validate data at compile time as well as at runtime
  • example
    • compile time validation
      import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString
      type Username = NonEmptyString
      def lookup(username: Username): F[Option[User]]
      and then
      lookup("") // compilation error
    • runtime validation: refinement types provide from method
      val res: Either[String, NonEmptyString] = NonEmptyString.from(str)
  • custom refinement type
    import eu.timepit.refined.api.RefinedTypeOps
    import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Greater
    type GTFive = Int Refined Greater[5]
    object GTFive extends RefinedTypeOps[GTFive, Int] // adds `from` method
    val number: Int = 33
    val res: Either[String, GTFive] = GTFive.from(number)