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kuroineko library

License: GPL v3

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This is a bunch of utilities I put together. Unfortunately I miss some references to the original projects. I beg pardon, and whenever I found out the original ones I'll update my references.

Table of contents

Data ##

  • HTML storage
  • Assert
  • Lexer
  • various helpers (array, communication, function, math, object, and string)
  • math helper containing various functions like bitCount, nextPowerOf2, getMostSignificantBit, getLeastSignificantBit, combine, and permute

String Alignment ###

Various string alignment algorithms. All of which has the same signature as explained below

var nw = new NeedlemanWunsch('abc', 'acb', function(a, b){ return (a === b? 0: 1); }, function(){ return 1; }, function(){ return 1; });
var editOperations = nw.align();

or with defaults cost functions

var nw = new NeedlemanWunsch('abc', 'acb');
var editOperations = nw.align();

editOperations.operations is a string with that encodes the edit operations needed to transform the first string into the second. By edit operations, transforming the first string into the second, is intended that a space is a match, a * is a change, a + is an insertion, and a - is a deletion.

Needleman-Wunsch ####

Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm.

Needleman-Wunsch-Ukkonen ####

Needleman-Wunsch-Ukkonen global alignment algorithm.

Smith-Watermann ####

Smith-Waterman local alignment algorithm.

String Distance ###

Various string distance algorithms like Levenshtein, and Damerau-Levenshtein.

Levenshtein ####

var defaultCosts = {insertion: 1, deletion: 2, substitution: 0.5, transposition: 1};

var edit = StringDistance.levenshteinEdit('abc', 'acb');
var distance = StringDistance.levenshteinDistance('abc', 'acb');
var percent = StringDistance.levenshteinStructuralDistance('abc', 'acb');

var edit = StringDistance.levenshteinEdit('abc', 'acb', defaultCosts);
var distance = StringDistance.levenshteinDistance('abc', 'acb', defaultCosts);
var percent = StringDistance.levenshteinStructuralDistance('abc', 'acb', defaultCosts);

Where edit is an object in the form {insertions: 0, deletions: 0, substitutions: 0, distance: 0} which encodes the number of insertions, deletions, and substitutions, along with the distance; and percent is the quantity of change between the two strings expressed as a percentual.

Damerau-Levenshtein ####

var defaultCosts = {insertion: 1, deletion: 2, substitution: 0.5, transposition: 1};

var edit = StringDistance.damerauLevenshteinEdit('abc', 'acb');
var distance = StringDistance.damerauLevenshteinDistance('abc', 'acb');
var percent = StringDistance.damerauLevenshteinStructuralDistance('abc', 'acb');

var edit = StringDistance.damerauLevenshteinEdit('abc', 'acb', defaultCosts);
var distance = StringDistance.damerauLevenshteinDistance('abc', 'acb', defaultCosts);
var percent = StringDistance.damerauLevenshteinStructuralDistance('abc', 'acb', defaultCosts);

Where edit is an object in the form {insertions: 0, deletions: 0, substitutions: 0, transpositions: 0, distance: 0} which encodes the number of insertions, deletions, substitutions, and transpositions, along with the distance; and percent is the quantity of change between the two strings expressed as a percentual.

Clustering ###

Various algorithms for data clustering.

Hierarchical clustering ####

var distanceMatrix = [[0, 1, 2], [undefined, 0, 3], [undefined, undefined, 4]];
var header = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var tree = HierarchicalClusterer.cluster(distanceMatrix, header);

OPTICS clustering ####

Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS).

var pointsMatrix = [[0, 0], [0, 0.5], [0, -0.8], [1, 0], [-1, 0.5]];
var result = OPTICSClusterer.cluster(pointsMatrix, 0.9, 2);

Coders ###

Various coders algorithms like arithmetic, and Elias.

Arithmetic coder ####

Encoding process:

var msg = 'This method will be called exactly once for each symbol being encoded or decoded';
//create model of order 0
var model = CoderDriver.create(HighOrderModelFactory.createFrom(BasicModel, 0));
//model of order 0 can also be created as follows
//var model = CoderDriver.create(BasicModel);
//the count for each seen character can be setted
//var model = CoderDriver.create(HighOrderModelFactory.createFrom(BasicModel, 2), {updateCount: 200});
var buffer = model.encode(msg);

Decoding process:

var itr = buffer.getIterator();
var out = model.decode(itr);

Elias delta coder ####

Encoding process:

var fixedCounts = {
	'T': 5,
	'h': 1,
	'i': 2,
	's': 1
var data = [],
for(i in fixedCounts){
var buffer = EliasDeltaCoder.encode(data);
//or, if buffer is given
//EliasDeltaCoder.encode(data, buffer);

Decoding process:

var itr = buffer.getIterator();
var out = EliasDeltaCoder.decode(itr);

Data Mining ###

var attributes = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 38; i ++)
	attributes.push({name: i18nResources.variant.attributes[i], discrete: true});
data = [
	[1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1, , , , , , , , ,0,0,1,0,0,0,0, , , , ,1,0, ,0, ,1, , ,0,0, 'liventin'],
	[1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1, ,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, , , , , ,0,0,0, ,1, , ,0,0, 'feltrin-belumat']

var fnSupervisorConfirmClass = function(nodeClass){
	return new Promise(function(resolve){
		var btnYes = Alerter.defineOkButton(i18nResources.variant.yes, function(){
			console.log('supervisor chooses class ' + nodeClass + ' is correct');

			recordSupervisedInstance(nodeClass, false);

		var btnNo = Alerter.defineCancelButton(, function(){
			console.log('supervisor chooses class ' + nodeClass + ' is not correct');

			type: 'confirm',
			message: i18nResources.variant.tryBefore + '<br><br>&ldquo;' + nodeClass + '&rdquo;<br><br>' + i18nResources.variant.tryAfter,
			buttons: [btnYes, btnNo],
			okButton: btnYes,
			cancelButton: btnNo

var fnSupervisorAskBranch = function(attributeName, cutPoint, discreteAttribute){
	return new Promise(function(resolve){
		var btnYes = Alerter.defineOkButton(i18nResources.variant.yes, function(){
			var response = (discreteAttribute? 'EQ': 'LT');
			console.log('supervisor chooses "' + attributeName + '" w.r.t. ' + cutPoint + ' is ' + response);

		var btnNo = Alerter.defineCancelButton(, function(){
			var response = (discreteAttribute? 'NE': 'GE');
			console.log('supervisor chooses "' + attributeName + '" w.r.t. ' + cutPoint + ' is ' + response);

		var btnDontKnow = Alerter.defineButton('dont-know', i18nResources.variant.dontKnow, function(){
			console.log('supervisor don\'t know how to chooses "' + attributeName + '" w.r.t. ' + cutPoint);

			type: 'confirm',
			message: i18nResources.variant.sentence + '<br><br>&ldquo;' + attributeName + '&rdquo;<br><br>' + + ' <b>'
				+ (discreteAttribute? i18nResources.variant[cutPoint == 1? 'truthy': 'falsy']: i18nResources.variant.lessThan + ' ' + cutPoint) + '</b>?',
			buttons: [btnYes, btnNo, btnDontKnow],
			okButton: btnYes,
			cancelButton: btnDontKnow

var fnSupervisorAskNewAttributeAndClass = function(){
	return new Promise(function(resolve){
		var btnOk = Alerter.defineOkButton(i18nResources.variant.ok, function(response){
			console.log('supervisor chooses new class, is ' + response);

			recordSupervisedInstance(response, true);

			type: 'prompt',
			message: i18nResources.variant.unable,
			inputType: 'textarea',
			buttons: [btnOk],
			okButton: btnOk

var dt = new DecisionTree(attributes, data);
dt.attachSupervisor(fnSupervisorConfirmClass, fnSupervisorAskBranch, fnSupervisorAskNewAttributeAndClass);

Random algorithms ###

Mersenne-Twister ####

Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator. Not cryptographically secure.

//if no seed is defined, seed randomly
var seed = 123;
var mt = new MersenneTwister(seed);
//random 32-bit integer
//random 31-bit integer

//random float in the interval [0;1[ with 32-bit resolution
//random float in the interval [0;1[ with 53-bit resolution
//random float in the interval [0;1]
//random float in the interval ]0;1[

//(re)seed the generator with an unsigned 32-bit integer
//(re)seed using a state vector of unsigned 32-bit integers

Random ####

A Non-Uniform Random Generator using Mersenne-Twister.

Random.getRandomValueWithGivenDistribution({a: 12, b: 1, c: 10});

Structs ###

Various data structures.

Binary Indexed Tree ####


Bit Buffer ####


Priority Queue ####

Implementation of the Fibonacci heap data structure.

var pq1 = new PriorityQueue();
pq1.add(0, 'first');
var pq2 = new PriorityQueue();
pq2.add(-1, 'second');


pq1.decreaseKey(0, 'first');

Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components ####

This is just for checking if a directed graph contains a cycle using Tarjan's algorithm.

var t = new Tarjan();
t.addVertex('a', ['b', 'c']);
t.addVertex('b', ['d']);
t.addVertex('d', ['a']);

var scc = t.getStronglyConnectedComponents();

Tree ####


Trie ####

var t = new Trie();





var count = 1;
	count ++;

Language (primarily used for Venetan) ##

  • conjugator, paradigm, pronoun, themizer, verb
  • grapheme, orthography, phone, phonology helper, syllabator, syllabe, word
  • language recognition using Markov chains and n-grams

Math ##

  • Normal and Student-T distributions
  • Continued fractions
  • Fraction

Measure ##

  • measure converter
  • scalar
  • measure datas for venetan and SI

Spell checker ##

  • Norvig spell checker
  • Hunspell dictionary reader

UI ##

  • alerter
  • validator

General ##

  • a minimal AMD loader compatible with requireJS