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mrbell edited this page Dec 3, 2012 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the pyrmsynth wiki!

pyrmsynth is kind of two things at once:

  1. It's an application for performing RM synthesis imaging of sky image data from one or more FITS files. This application was written with LOFAR processing in mind, but it should work for any instrument provided that you have (or can convert to) imaging data in the FITS file format as written by CASA.
  2. It's a toolkit for writing your own applications if you have other kinds of data that you need to process. Simply write a script to handle the file I/O and hand the data off to functions of pyrmsynth for the actual computations.

This wiki contains information about the use of each of these "modes" as well as installation instructions. For a list of known issues, or to report a new issue, please refer to the issue tracker.

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