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ADG Mobile for Android

This Android application is used to listen to the podcast "Analyse des Geeks". This is a bi-weekly french-canadian podcast on technology in general. See

Someone did an app for this podcast on iOS and so of course I had to one for Android. :)

Note that there are already a bunch of podcast application on the Android Market that does the job a lot better. Doggcatcher is a favorite of mine.

I took this as an opportunity to learn about the integration of ICS, ActionBarSherlock and Roboguice. I hope this will help the community.


This project currently is really bleeding edge: it uses ActionBarSherlock v4 beta 5 and Roboguice 2.0 b3.

Building the app

This project was written using Eclipse. You should be able to import this project into Eclipse, compile it and deploy it on a device using the IDE. You do need to include the ActionBarSherlock library project first. See the ActionBarSherlock web site for move information. The other libraries are added normally in Eclipse using the build path.

Building a release package

Maven and the Android Maven Plugin is used to create a release version of the application. You need maven 3.0.3 or better.

To compile the apk do:

mvn clean install

To deploy a production release APK to a device, do:

mvn clean install android:deploy -Dsign.keystore=adg.keystore -Dsign.alias=adg -Dsign.keypass=keypassword -Dsign.storepass=storepass

This will compile the code, sign it and deploying it to a device. Note that you need to have a keystore name "adg.keystore" in the project folder. For more information about signing using a keystore see Signing in Release Mode


This app is mostly complete right now. The maven code could have proguard enabled. But it's disabled for now because of a bug.


Copyright (c) 2012 Thierry-Dimitri Roy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

ADG Mobile for Android    ADG Mobile for Android


Application pour l'Analyse des Geeks sur Android







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