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A generic client for consuming an Hypermedia API utilising Siren


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Siren Client for Python

A generic client for consuming Hypermedia API's which utilise Siren for the entity schema.

The client consumes the Siren and creates objects which represent the various Siren Objects. This library does not provide a transport mechanism to access the API but is designed to work with a requests session.

Authentication is managed by the session manager provided to the the Siren client. Usage patterns below.


The library is available to install using pip:

$ pip install siren-client

Alternatively, you can clone this package and install it yourself.

Getting Started

The client is designed to allow you to traverse the data in the API, without having to worry about requests or URL construction. You simply need to provide the first object with a url:

import siren_client

entity = siren_client.get('')

Each Siren Entity provided some introspection so that you can quickly see what the entity is.

print entity

All of siren concepts are available as Python constructs.

Basic Siren Attributes

print entity.uri
print entity.class_
print entity.rel  # Generally only if it is a sub-entity

Siren Properties are available on the entity

print entity['Name']

An Entity can be 'refreshed' from the server


Following Siren links

print entity.links
second_entity = entity.links['some-link']

Using Siren Actions

print entity.actions
print entity.actions['next']

collection = entity.actions['next']()

# You can pass any parameters to an action

collection = entity.actions['next'](skip=3)

# You can seed an action with the properties of some other entity

new_entity_action = entity.actions['new-entity']
new_entity_action()  # This will call the action with the data set from `entity`
new_entity_action(Name='Another Name')  # This will call the action as above
                                        # but override (or set) the name to be
                                        # 'Another Name'


Configuration can be provided to the get function earlier.

import siren_client
entity siren_client.get('http://my_url/', rel_base='')
  • rel_base If set to a value, and this value is at the start of any rel that rel will have that value removed:

    Example: setting the rel_base to '' will convert any rel from the API (such as '') to a shortened version (in this example: my_link)

  • dumps Provide your own function for serialising any requests. By default Siren Client will inspect the content type and automatically serialise into JSON as needed. The function will receive two parameters, the requested content type, and the data to serialise.

    def my_dumps(content_type, data):
        # Convert data here
        return converted_data
  • loads Provide your own function for de-serialising any requests. By default Siren Client will inspect the content type and automatically de-serialise from JSON as needed. The function will receive two parameters, the requested content type, and the content to de-serialise.

    def my_loads(content_type, data):
        # Convert data here
        return converted_data
  • self_rel By default the Siren Client will calculate the canonical 'URI' of an entity from the link containing a rel called self. This parameter lets you change the rel that the library will use to determine the canonical 'URI'.

Authentication Setup

The library expects a requests session (or similar) to manage the connection to the server. Whatever methods of authentication requests supports, the siren-client also supports. Any other transport configuration required (such as keep-alive, headers etc) can be utilised by configuring the Session or sub-classing the Session.

Example Basic Authentication

import siren_client
from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

session = Session()
session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth('my_username', 'my_password')
entity = siren_client.get('', session=session)

Example Session Hook

def mutate_response_somehow(req, *args, **kwargs):
    # do something
    print r.url

session = Session()
session.hooks['response'] = mutate_response_somehow
entity = siren_client.get('', session=session)

Example Custom Header

session = Session()
session.headers['X-Pizza'] = 'pepperoni'
entity = siren_client.get('', session=session)

Other plugins for Requests Session

Replace Requests Session with your own transport

The session simply provides a transport mechanism for the client. It could be completely replaced with an arbitrary object doing arbitrary things (such as communicating in some way other than HTTP). The only methods that are called on the Session object are the HTTP verbs, with the get being used for following links, etc. If your siren API provided a method of 'hyperspace' in an action definition, then the library would attempt to call the hyperspace method on the session transport.

Regardless of which method is used to get the data from the server, the response is then required to have two attributes and one method:

  • content This can be whatever you want. By default it attempt to be de-serialized as JSON
  • headers A dictionary
  • raise_for_status() This allows the response to throw an exception if there is something wrong.


Lonely Planet maintains this code as a library that it actively uses. Contributions are welcome in the form of bug reports and pull requests.


A generic client for consuming an Hypermedia API utilising Siren








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