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Automated experiment analysis.

Jetstream automatically calculates metrics and applies statistical treatments to collected experiment data for different analysis windows.

For more information, see the documentation.

Running tests

Make sure tox is installed globally (run brew install tox or pip install tox).

Then, run tox from wherever you cloned this repository. (You don't need to install jetstream first.)

To run integration tests, run tox -e py310-integration.

Local installation

# Create and activate a python virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
# --no-deps to workaround
pip install --no-deps -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


Jetstream uses pip-tools to manage dependencies, along with a script that runs the pip-tools commands. There are two requirements files:

  • Listing of dependencies and versions. While this file is auto-generated by script/update_deps, it can also be edited if you want to change a dependency or its version (see Update a single dependency).
  • requirements.txt: Auto-generated by pip-tools (pip-compile) from the file. Also contains the hashes of each package for verification by pip during installation, and comments showing lineage for each dependency.

Update all dependencies


Be sure to run pip install --no-deps -r requirements.txt and reinstall jetstream (pip install -e .) afterwards, and test functionality!

Update a single dependency

  1. Edit
  • mypy==1.8.0 --> mypy==1.9.0
  1. Regenerate requirements.txt
  • pip-compile --generate-hashes -o requirements.txt
    • (Note: this is the last line of script/update_deps)
  1. Install dependencies
  • pip install --no-deps -r requirements.txt
  • pip install -e .
  1. Test!