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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


bbtools is a set of scripts to do simple things with Bitbucket. Currently, there is only backup_repos.rb, which downloads all of a user's repositories and produces a git bundle and a zip file for each repository.


bbtools uses the rest-client and netrc gems. Run the following to set up prerequisites:

gem install rest-client netrc


Although bbtools will work fine without Bitbucket authentication, it won't be able to access private repositories.

bbtools uses the netrc gem to retrieve login credentials from a .netrc file in your home directory.

If you do not have two-factor authentication set up, adding your Bitbucket password to the .netrc file would work. However, I suggest using an app password instead because it is easy to revoke if there is a security breach.

To generate an app password:

  • Log in to Bitbucket.
  • In your dashboard, click on your user icon and select "Bitbucket settings".
  • Click on "App passwords".
  • Click on "Create app password".
  • Enter "bbtools" in the label. Select "Repositories / Read" and "Account / Read".
  • Click on "Create".
  • Copy the app password from the popup dialog.

Add the following to the .netrc file in your home directory:

    login bb-login
    password bb-app-password

    login bb-login
    password bb-app-password

where bb-login is your Bitbucket user name and bb-app-password is the app password you copied from the last step above. The information needs to be added twice because the Bitbucket API uses while git uses



Run this script with a username as the first argument. The script will do the following:

  • Create a folder named repos.
  • git clone each of the user's repositories, excluding forks of other repositories.
  • Create a git bundle of each repository.
  • Run git archive to create a zip file of each repository.
  • Delete the cloned repositories.

Warning: backup_repos does not support Mercurial yet. It will skip any Mercurial repositories in the user's account.