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a hypermedia api-spec grapher, based on this blog post


Input: an api spec file.

Output: a useful graph of your api, and maybe your api itself.

Here's a screenshot of the example output, with shortest path to your revenue generating node highlighted:

And here's a hosted version you can click around on.


graph output

To generate a cytoscape graph, run ./choc g <api-spec>.json, ie.:

./choc g ApiSpecs/api-spec.json
./choc g ApiSpecs/api-spec-2.json
./choc g ApiSpecs/api-spec-3.json

Then run a server in the root directory to view, ie.:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

api output

To generate an api, run ./choc a <api-spec>.json, ie.:

./choc a ApiSpecs/api-spec.json

Currently we're just generating a single file Sinatra app, so you can run it using ruby YourAppName.rb.

the spec format

Is not formalized. But essentially forces you to write your API spec as a graph in the form of an edge list and a node list. choc is building adjency lists for you automatically. Technically we could get everything we need from edges, but then they start to get a ton of properties.

The spec format at the top level requires:

  "state_transitions": [],
  "state_representations": []

For generating a graph, StateTransitions require:

  "source": "from node",
  "target": "to node",
  "link_relation": "edge label",
  "verb": "protocol specific modifier for your remote call, ie. POST in http"

For generating an api, StateTransitions require one of the 3 or they will have urls generated by convention:

  "url_template": "function signature of your remote call",
  "url_template_type": "named templates, ie. collection_item",
  "url": "static direct url"

For generating a graph or api, StateRepresentations require:

  "name": "name of representation, must be unique. namespace with . if necessary, ie.",
  "noun": "special values for our graph describing their representation type, understood values: generated_revenue|error|null"


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