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Running minimized Agg fuzzer and Query fuzzer tests locally

Robert Guo edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 2 revisions


If there is an agg or query fuzzer-generated test failure, a minimized jstestfuzz test will be generated from the original to reduce test size & complexity. Minimized jstestfuzz tests & minimized data will be available for download in the files section in the Evergreen task page displayed as:

  1. Minimized jstestfuzz Test - [Execution #]
    • minimizer-outputs-minimizedtest-[build_id].js
  2. Minimizer Outputs - [Execution #]
    • minimizer-outputs-[build_id].json

You can run the minimized test with the following command after setting up a repro environment:

buildscripts/ run --suites=generational_fuzzer['', _last_lts, _last_continuous] /local/path/to/minimized/test/minimizer-outputs-minimizedtest-[build_id].js

If the above does not work, you can find the exact resmoke invocation by searching for the string " invocation for local usage" in the "Task Logs" and add the local file path to the minimized test as a positional argument.

Known Limitations

  • The minimizer is not run with the timeseries fuzzer due to incompatibility with time series collections.


For more information on running tests from Evergreen locally, see the Wiki: Running Tests from Evergreen Tasks Locally.

If the minimized output is not available or incorrect for Agg and Query fuzzers please reach out to #server-testing.