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###Spring-XD Docker Composition It is usually sufficient to run singlenode for development, however on many occassion a distributed envrionment is required. To be able to run distribute mode very quickly you can use docker-compose to compose your XD cluster. This github project does exactly that. The cluster persist its state using a docker volume container and also allows you to scale up the number of XD containers.

To get up and running with Spring XD on your MacOS follow the steps given below

  1. Download and install Docker toolbox

  2. Open Kitematic from the toolbox installation.

  3. Click DOCKER CLI Button at the bottom left Alt text

  4. Change directory to a directory of your choice and run the following commands

    cd /Development

  5. Issue following three commands to create XD cluster

    git clone

    cd springxd-docker-compose

    docker-compose up

That's it!

Note: You will need to wait until all the containers are downloaded to your docker-machine and are boot up.

You will now see containers in your Kitematic window, note that one container xddata should be stopped and not running. That is our data container which is there to preserve the state of the cluster. Following how your kitematic screen should look like. Alt text

####How does it work The project uses docker-compose yml file to configure various things in the cluster. Most importantly it uses a docker image that is created from my dockerfile in a separte github project. The Dockerfile is an extension of official Spring XD image dockerfile that is managed by Eric Bottard. I may soon do a pull request to see if this new dockerfile can be pulled in official image.

Following line is different from official image and is important in the dockerfile. It creates folders called data and custom-modules and under /opt/spring-xd/xd folder. We create these folders so that we can expose them as docker-volume from our data container.

RUN mkdir /opt/spring-xd-${XD_VERSION}/xd/data \
&& mkdir /opt/spring-xd-${XD_VERSION}/xd/custom-modules

####The Composition Coming back to the docker-compose.yml. The file defines the containers needed to run the Spring XD in distributed mode with Rabbit transport. All of the containers are linked together using docker-compose links. Since every container has its own IP/hostname, we have to do extra environment settings in the springxd.env file. The springxd.env file overrides the spring-xd config to point the admin and container nodes to the redis, rabbitmq, zookeeper and hsqldb containers.

#####XDDATA Container Lets go through the container defined in the yml. Most importantly xddata container which is the first container defined in the docker-compose.yml.

      image: mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker
      container_name: xddata
      - /opt/spring-xd/xd/config
      - /opt/spring-xd/xd/custom-modules
      - /opt/spring-xd/xd/data
      - /data
      command: "true"
      user: springxd

The above snippet from yml tells docker-compose to create a docker container called xddata from mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker repository. It exposes 4 volumes, one is the config folder, second the custom-module folder which will hold the shared custom-modules between all the containers, third the data folder which is used by hsqldb and zookeeper to keep their state, and fourth the /data which is used by redis container. The

Disclaimer: RabbitMQ state is not persisted as of now, i will do that once i get some time.

#####Redis Container Following snippet configures the redis container. The redis container exposes /data volume, we tell docker to give redis container volumes from xddata container which is exposing a /data volume, essentially everything that redis is going to write will start persisting in the /data folder of the xddata container. Same mechanism is used to persist state of the every other container in the composition.

      image: redis
      container_name: redis
      - xddata

#####Zookeeper Container Zookeeper container is created and asked to use volumes from xddata container. The zookeeper that comes out of the box with spring xd creates data directory in ../xd/data from the current working directory. Therefore the working directory is modified to suit the start up script and data location. It is done so that it writes to /opt/spring-xd/xd/data which is mounted on volume from the xddata container. Following snippet configures zookeeper container.

      container_name: zookeeper
      image: mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker
      working_dir: /opt/spring-xd/zookeeper/bin
      command: ./ start-foreground
      - xddata
The HSQLDB Container

The HSQL Database that comes out of the box is used to hold the Spring XD batch database. The database stores its data in /opt/spring-xd/xd/data which is mounted on docker volume from xddata, so it survives container restarts. The container is also asked to use springxd user as the default user for running the process. Following is the docker-compose.yml snippet to create the hsqldb container.

      image: mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker
      container_name: "hsqldb"
      command: hsqldb/bin/hsqldb-server
      user: springxd
The XD Admin Container

The XD Admin container is the master container. It takes /opt/spring-xd/xd/config and /opt/spring-xd/xd/custom-modules from the xddata container. So when a new custom module is uploaded it gets stored in /opt/spring-xd/xd/custom-modules within the xddata container. This allows the sharing of custom-modules directory between xd admin and xd container nodes. The container is started with springxd user so that the permission on xddata exposed volumes should allow writing of data to the volume. An environment file is provided that holds important environment variable. These variables set the default transport as rabbit and connects with the rabbit docker container. This file can be used to change environment of spring xd admin and container nodes. For more on environment variables you can read Spring XD guide. Following snippet is for the xdadmin docker container. Finally the port 9393 is forwarded to 9393 on the docker-machine so that you can point your xd-shell to docker-machine IP as your admin server. To obtain docker-machine IP you can use docker-machine ip default command (replace default with the name of your docker-machine name).

    image: mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker
    container_name: xdadmin
    user: springxd
    command: xd/bin/xd-admin
    - "hsqldb"
    - "xdadmin"
    - "zookeeper"
    - "rabbitmq"
    - "redis"
    env_file: springxd.env
    - xddata
    - "9393:9393"

Variable in springxd.env file.


#####Spring XD Containers The Spring XD containers are configured exactly the same way as the admin. They share the config and custom-module directories from xddata exposed volume, they are launched with springxd user, and they are told to take rabbit as the default transport layer. Following snippet is for the Spring XD container node. The only difference that this service has from the other is the ability to scale up and down on demand. You can do a docker-compose scale xdcontainer=2 to increase the number of xd-containers. This is useful to test how increasing/decreasing number of container affects your developed modules.

  image: mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker
  command: xd/bin/xd-container
  - "hsqldb"
  - "xdadmin"
  - "zookeeper"
  - "rabbitmq"
  - "redis"
  user: springxd
  env_file: springxd.env
   - xddata

#####Rabbit MQ Containers The Spring XD in this composition uses rabbit as its transport layer. Therefore a stock rabbitmq image is created and started to act as the transport. The default settings of the rabbitmq is used and it works pretty with the default setting so the Spring XD. Following snippet is for the rabbit container. The port is mapped to the docker-machine just in user wants to connect to RabbitMQ from any other client, it is something that is optional.

  container_name: rabbitmq
  image: rabbitmq
  - "15672:15672"

#####Useful Tips:

  • This composition will also allow you to see the aggregated logs of all the nodes in the cluster in one screen if your run the compisition with docker-compose up.

  • You can also run the cluster in the background with docker-compose up -d command.

  • If you need to ssh into any of the cluster node, you can use Kitematics and click the EXEC button on the top toolbar.

  • Keep an eye on the images that are sitting in your docker-machine it could take some space and cleaning it regularly is a good idea.

  • To recreate of the cluster you could use the following steps

docker-compose stop

docker-compose rm

docker-machine up

  • To make changes to the configuration there are several things you can do

You can modify springxd.env to make changes to the configuration that can be done using environment variables.

You probably would notice that xddata is a stopped container and it never runs, so how do you modify the data inside it. The volumes inside the xddata container is mapped on to the xdadmin, xdcontainer nodes. You can SSH into any of the mounted containers using the above described way and modify the contents of the files.

Finally if you want use your MacOS folder as spring xd config or modules folder, then you need to use the following way to define xddata container. The following example maps my local XD installation's config folder to the config folder of the data container (xddata). Now I can modify the servers.yml of my local install and see them take affect in the cluster.

  image: mohdaliiqbal/springxd-docker
  container_name: xddata
  - /Users/mohdali/Development/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/config:/opt/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/config:ro
  - /Users/mohdali/Development/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/custom-modules:/opt/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/custom-modules
  - /Users/mohdali/Applications/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/modules:/opt/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/modules:ro
  - /opt/spring-xd-1.2.1.RELEASE/xd/data
  - /data
  command: "true"
  user: springxd

You are welcome to create issues and PR on the project to make it more useful for other non-trivial use cases.


Docker composed Spring XD distributed cluster






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