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Expansion of i3wm built-in functional. Executable bash scripts, mainly created for manipulation of floating containers, scratchpad and marks utilization.

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# ./

Scripts breakdown



This script marks current focused container with user prompt from i3-input


Create a shortcut in your ~/.config/i3/config to execute the script directly
bindsym --release $mod+Mod1+m exec __mark_container
User prompt will be unitary if the user inputs a single number and the container will be marked with it.
This unitary prompt behavior is shown in the gif below, first the script is executed via i3 shortcut, then key '1' is pressed as a sample.
alt text
As a result the focused container is marked with 1 mark.
If the user decides to mark the container with function key identifier, then the first input must be symbol 'f', after which the prompt will appear again, asking for the number [0-9]. This function key mode is shown in the gif below, first the script is executed via i3 shortcut, then key 'f' is pressed, which calls another prompt for the number of the function key [0-9].
alt text
As a result the focused container is marked with f1 mark.
I suggest you create a mode or a series of shortcuts to access each marked container directly in your ~/.config/i3/config, e.g:
bindsym --release $mod+1 [con_mark="^1$"] focus
Or, to focus the container with a function key:
bindsym --release $mod+F1 [con_mark="^f1$"] focus
Overall usage can be simplified into the algorithm:

  1. execute the script via i3 shortcut
  2. input number from 0 to 9 or 'f' symbol
  3. if 'f' symbol was pressed, input number from 1 to 9



This script returns all current mark identifiers of marked containers


Append through pipe to status_command in your ~/.config/i3/config
status_command i3status --config $HOME/.config/i3/i3status.conf | __get_current_marks
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If a container was marked, its mark will be displayed in the end of your i3status, each mark separated by '|' symbol



This script returns the artist and a track title of the currently playing composition in i3status.


Append through pipe to status_command in your ~/.config/i3/config
status_command i3status --config $HOME/.config/i3/i3status.conf | __get_current_track
alt text



This script appends title to the current focused workspace keeping its current index with user prompt.


Create a shortcut in your ~/.config/i3/config to execute the script directly
bindsym --release $mod+Shift+r exec __rename_i3wm_workspace After executing the script user has to input the required title for the workspace, in this case its 'sample', the script will append the title after semicolon symbol:
alt text
In case user wants to remove the previously appended title the prompt must be left blank:
alt text



Move a focused floating container in 9 screen positions equally distributed in screen space.


Create a mode in your ~/.config/i3/config to execute the script directly with command arguments
E.G. my example:

mode "__move_float_window" {  
    bindsym --release z exec __move_float_window 1  
    bindsym --release x exec __move_float_window 2  
    bindsym --release c exec __move_float_window 3  
    bindsym --release a exec __move_float_window 4  
    bindsym --release s exec __move_float_window 5  
    bindsym --release d exec __move_float_window 6  
    bindsym --release q exec __move_float_window 7  
    bindsym --release w exec __move_float_window 8  
    bindsym --release e exec __move_float_window 9  
    bindsym Return mode "default"  
    bindsym Escape mode "default"  
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Mod1+m mode "__move_float_window"  



Change focused workspace index.


Create series of shortcuts in ~/.config/i3/config to execute the script directly with command arguments.
Current arguments for this script can differ based on your $ws variables, if they exist at all.
E.G. my example:

set $ws0 "0"  
set $ws1 "1"  
set $ws2 "2"  
set $ws3 "3"  
set $ws4 "4"  
set $ws5 "5"  
set $ws6 "6"  
set $ws7 "7"  
set $ws8 "8"  
set $ws9 "9"  
set $ws10 "10"  

Therefore shortcuts for the script execution in this situation can be:

bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+asciitilde exec __change_workspace_index $ws0
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+1 exec __change_workspace_index $ws1
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+2 exec __change_workspace_index $ws2
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+3 exec __change_workspace_index $ws3
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+4 exec __change_workspace_index $ws4
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+5 exec __change_workspace_index $ws5
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+6 exec __change_workspace_index $ws6
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+7 exec __change_workspace_index $ws7
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+8 exec __change_workspace_index $ws8
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+9 exec __change_workspace_index $ws9
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+Shift+0 exec __change_workspace_index $ws10

Execution demonstration:

alt text



Current script swaps all containers in between two existing workspaces.


Create shortcut in ~/.config/i3/config to execute the script directly.
E.G. my example:

bindsym --release $mod+Mod1+Ctrl+s exec __swap_workspaces  

Execution demonstration:

alt text



Current script creates a software limit to max volume value.


Create shortcuts in ~/.config/i3/config to execute the script directly.
I also suggest you create a variable to set maximum value for volume in your system, e.g. $max_volume in my case.
Specifying the max volume value is fully optional, its default value equals to 100.
E.G. my example:

# variable for volume limit(default is 100)
set $max_volume 100

# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
bindsym --release XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id __volume_control +2 $max_volume
bindsym --release XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id __volume_control -2 $max_volume
bindsym --release XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id __volume_control toggle

bindsym --release Mod1+F10 exec --no-startup-id __volume_control toggle
bindsym --release Mod1+F11 exec --no-startup-id __volume_control -2 $max_volume
bindsym --release Mod1+F12 exec --no-startup-id __volume_control +2 $max_volume
bindsym --release Mod1+Shift+F11 exec --no-startup-id __volume_control -10 $max_volume
bindsym --release Mod1+Shift+F12 exec --no-startup-id __volume_control +10 $max_volume


Expansion of i3wm built-in functional. Executable bash scripts, mainly created for manipulation of floating containers, scratchpad and marks utilization.







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