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Releases: mobilinkd/tnc1-python-config

9600 & M17 Support

03 Jan 18:39
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This release adds support for new modem types, including 9600 baud G3RUH/GFSK and M17 4-FSK modes. It also adds support for the "Passall" option, as well as polarity values required for M17. This has been tested with the TNC3 and with the NucleoTNC.

TNC3 Supported

10 Dec 02:39
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This is a re-write of the TNC config app for Linux, OS X, and Windows. It has been re-written to have a look and feel that more closely resembles the Android config app. It has also been updated to use Python3. Note that the actual command name is now "" instead of "". Minor fixes to the firmware upload code should make firmware upload more reliable.