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Machine Learning Summer School at Skoltech

The Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) is held at Skoltech in Moscow, Russia and presents topics at the core of modern machine learning

Popular repositories

  1. lectures lectures Public archive

    repository with the lectures for MLSS Skoltech

    140 42

  2. tutorials tutorials Public archive

    repository with the tutorials for MLSS Skoltech

    Jupyter Notebook 67 38

  3. tutorials_week2 tutorials_week2 Public archive

    tutorials for MLSS 2019 Skoltech

    Jupyter Notebook 56 36

  4. awesome-mlss awesome-mlss Public archive

    Forked from sshkhr/awesome-mlss

    List of summer schools in machine learning + related fields across the globe

    7 3

  5. Public archive

    Website of the Machine Learning Summer School at Skoltech

    JavaScript 4 2


Showing 5 of 5 repositories