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PROIEL Annotator is a tool for collaborative treebank annotation using the PROIEL dependency-grammar formalism and multiple levels of additional annotation.

Installation, customisation and upgrade instructions are found below. See the wiki for more technical information, the PROIEL framework page for an overview of associated tools and the PROIEL treebanking handbook for general instructions.


PROIEL Annotator is a Ruby on Rails application. This version uses Ruby on Rails 4.2 and works with MySQL on Linux and OS X.

The following instructions assume that you have a functional and up-to-date Ruby environment installed, and that you have already configured your database server. You will need Ruby >= 2.5 to run this application

Step 1: Install dependencies

Make sure that bundler is installed and then install required dependencies:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

If you only intend to run the application in production mode, you can cut down the number of dependencies this way:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install --without test development

Step 2: Install external binaries

Install graphviz for dependency graph visualisations. Versions 2.26.3 and 2.30.1 are known to work, but more recent versions may also work.

graphviz must be compiled with SVG support. The recommended settings are the following:

--with-fontconfig --with-freetype2 --with-pangocairo --with-rsvg

If you want to regenerate the finite-state transducer files, you will also need the SFST toolkit. This release of proiel-webapp is designed to work with version 1.3 of SFST.

Step 3: Configure the database

Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit it to fit your setup.

Initialize a new database by running the following command:

$ bin/rake db:setup

Add an administrator account using the Rails console:

$ bin/rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 3.1.3)
>> User.create_confirmed_administrator! :login => "username", :first_name => "Foo", :last_name => "Bar", :email => "foo@bar", :password => "foo"

Step 4: Generate an environment file

Generate an environment file by running

$ bin/rake generate_env

This generates a file called .env with run-time settings that are unique to this instance of the application. Inspect the contents of the file and edit it if necessary.

The .env file contains information that should not be made public. Make sure that other users on your system are unable to read .env. It is also not a good idea to add the file to a public version control system.

You may also need to modify config/initializers/mailer.rb to get registration e-mails working properly.

Step 5: Precompile assets

For the production environment, assets should be precompiled:

RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

If you run the application behind nginx or another webserver, you should ensure that the webserver serves the public directory. Otherwise, make sure that RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS in .env is set to true so that Rails will serve this directory.

Step 6: Start the server and worker

Start the server and worker processes:

$ RAILS_ENV=production foreman start

If you prefer not to use foreman, you must start the server and worker processes manually:

$ bundle exec unicorn_rails -E $environment -p $PORT
$ bin/rake work_jobs


See the wiki for upgrade instructions.

Editing locale files

Some key strings used by the application, such as the application's title, can be modified by editing the files in config/locales.


For development, run the server using

$ bin/rails s

Tests are run using

$ bin/rake test
$ bin/rspec

To open a console, run

$ bin/rails c


PROIEL Annotator is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. See the file COPYING for details.

PROIEL Annotator was written by Marius L. Jøhndal (University of Cambridge/University of Oslo), Dag Haug (University of Oslo) and Anders Nøklestad (University of Oslo).


The PROIEL Annotator annotator application for collaborative annotation using PROIEL-style dependency grammar







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