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Git strategy

Matthew Jording edited this page Mar 16, 2011 · 1 revision

Setting up a local git clone of

git clone

Branching Workflow

All work is done in topic branches. Generally a topic branch maps directly to a feature requests.

Before a developer begins to work on code they should :

git co -b wip_short_desc_of_intended_wk

After work the feature tests pass and the developer deems the work done. They add the files modified to the impending commit.

git add app/view app/controller

git commit -m "short message explaining work done"

With a commit in place switch back to the master branch

git co master

and update any incoming changes from other team members working on other features

git pull --rebase

switch back to the topic branch

git co wip_short_desc_of_intended_wk

and apply the current commit to the incoming code updated in master

git rebase master

switch again to master

git co master

and merge the topic branch changes into the master branch

git merge wip_short_desc_of_intended_wk

With that done the feature work is set to be pushed to github after a quick check for test failures with rake


All tests should pass.

git push

Once that is done the feature story can be marked finished and the code is clear to deploy to staging

git push heroku master

After the feature is on staging the story is marked delivered and awaits acceptance

Remote Branches

If you have work that is not ready to be merged into master at the end of the day create a remote branch and push a WIP commit.

git push -u origin wip_short_desc_of_intended_wk

WIP branches are considered volitile and rewriting history is common. This allows you to resume your work the next morning by popping the WIP commit off head.

git reset head^

Continue your work making frequent atomic commits when possible. If you need to push to the remote branch you will have to force it.

git push -f origin wip_short_desc_of_intended_wk

Be sure to clean up after yourself by removing the remote branch when you're done with it.

git push origin :wip_short_desc_of_intended_wk

Commit Messages

If your commit represents the completion of a story in Pivotal Tracker, mark it completed in the commit message.

Member makes a delicious pie

[finishes #1872928]

You should also read A Note About Git Commit Messages if you have not already done so.